M 6.8 - 23 km E of Toribío, Colombia

  • 1994-06-06 20:47:40 (UTC)
  • 2.917°N 76.057°W
  • 12.1 km depth

Ground Failure

Contributed by US last updated 2020-08-24 17:50:51 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have NOT been reviewed by a scientist.
Version 1


Estimated Area Exposed to Hazard

Estimated Area Exposed to HazardLittle or no Little or no ≤ 0.1 km² Limited Limited 1 km² Significant Significant 10 km² Extensive Extensive 100 km² ≥ 1,000 km² Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
Landslides triggered by this earthquake are estimated to be extensive in number and (or) spatial extent.

Estimated Population Exposure

Estimated Population ExposureLittle or no Little or no ≤ 10 Limited Limited 100 Significant Significant 1,000 Extensive Extensive 10,000 ≥ 100,000 Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
The number of people living near areas that could have produced landslides in this earthquake is significant. This is not a direct estimate of landslide fatalities or losses.


Estimated Area Exposed to Hazard

Estimated Area Exposed to HazardLittle or no Little or no ≤ 1 km² Limited Limited 10 km² Significant Significant 100 km² Extensive Extensive 1,000 km² ≥ 10,000 km² Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
Liquefaction triggered by this earthquake is estimated to be significant in severity and (or) spatial extent.

Estimated Population Exposure

Estimated Population ExposureLittle or no Little or no ≤ 100 Limited Limited 1,000 Significant Significant 10,000 Extensive Extensive 100,000 ≥ 1,000,000 Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
The number of people living near areas that could have produced liquefaction in this earthquake is extensive. This is not a direct estimate of liquefaction fatalities or losses.