M 6.8 - 23 km E of Toribío, Colombia

  • 1994-06-06 20:47:40 (UTC)
  • 2.917°N 76.057°W
  • 12.1 km depth


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At least 295 people killed, 500 missing, 13,000 homeless and severe damage caused to houses, highways and bridges by the earthquake and ensuing landslides in Cauca, Huila, Tolima and Valle Departments. At least 200 homes were destroyed, including 25 at Toribio and 15 at Piendamo. Moderate structural damage occurred at Bogota and Cali. An avalanche from the Huila Volcano blocked the Paez River causing severe flooding at Belalcazar and Neiva. Felt in much of west-central Colombia from Tunja to Pasto. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=30 Dip=83 Slip=165 NP2:Strike=122 Dip=75 Slip=7 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=16 Azm=345 (P) Plg=5 Azm=77 Comment: The focal mechanism is moderately well controlled and corresponds to strike-slip faulting with a small reverse component. The preferred fault plane is not determined. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 21 Focal mech. F Energy 1.7+0.3*10**15 Nm MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION Dep 20 No. of sta: 36 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**19 Nm Mrr=-0.02 Mtt=1.22 Mff=-1.19 Mrt=0.10 Mrf=0.25 Mtf=0.51 Principal axes: (T) Val=1.34 Plg=6 Azm=348 (N) Val=0.00 Plg=78 Azm=227 (P) Val=-1.34 Plg=10 Azm=79 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.3*10**19 NP1:Strike=123 Dip=79 Slip=-3 NP2:Strike=214 Dip=87 Slip=-169 CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 65S,162C M.W.: 58S,125C Centroid Location: Origin Time 20:47:47.4 0.1 Lat 2.93N 0.01 Lon 75.94W 0.01 Dep 15.0 BDY Half-duration 6.2 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**19 Nm Mrr=-0.05 0.01 Mtt=1.46 0.01 Mff=-1.41 0.01 Mrt=-0.61 0.03 Mrf=-0.10 0.03 Mtf=1.00 0.01 Principal Axes: (T) Val=1.96 Plg=17 Azm=163 (N) Val=-0.24 Plg=73 Azm=332 (P) Val=-1.72 Plg=3 Azm=72 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.8*10**19 NP1:Strike=206 Dip=76 Slip=170 NP2:Strike=299 Dip=80 Slip=14

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