M 6.4 - 4 km SSE of Indios, Puerto Rico
- 2020-01-07 08:24:27 (UTC)
- 17.958°N 66.811°W
- 6.0 km depth
Aftershock Forecast
- The data below are the most preferred data available
- The data below have been reviewed by a scientist
- Damaging earthquakes can occur in the future, so remember to: Drop, Cover, and Hold on.
- More earthquakes than usual (called aftershocks) will continue to occur near the mainshock. The mainshock is the largest earthquake in a sequence (a series of earthquakes related to each other).
- When there are more earthquakes, the chance of a large earthquake is greater which means that the chance of damage is greater.
- No one can predict the exact time or place of any earthquake, including aftershocks. Our aftershock forecasts give us an understanding of the chances of having more earthquakes within a given time period in the affected area.
Epidemic-Type aftershock model (Bayesian Combination)
- ams
- -1.67
- a
- -2.27
- b
- 1.04
- magMain
- 6.4
- p
- 0.98
- c
- 0.0028
- Mc
- 3.65
- regionType
- circle
- regionCenterLat
- 17.951
- regionCenterLon
- -66.8862
- regionRadius
- 45