Seminars typically take place virtually at 10:30 AM (Pacific) on Wednesdays on Microsoft Teams.
We record most seminars. You can watch live or check the archives to view a past seminar.
January 2017
Co- and postseismic deformation of the 2010 Mw 7.2 El mayor-Cucapah earthquake in Baja California: Lithospheric structure and deformation in the Salton Trough
Mong-Han Huang, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mega-earthquakes and their relationship to fault properties
Quentin Bletery, University of Oregon
February 2017
Complex spatiotemporal evolution of seismicity and source parameters of the 2008 Mw 4.9 Mogul earthquake swarm in Reno, Nevada
Christine Ruhl, U.C. Berkeley
Connecting crustal seismicity and earthquake-driven stress evolution in Southern California
Fred Pollitz, USGS Menlo Park
Joint ESC/GMEG Seminar - Mineralogical Results from the CheMin X-ray Diffractometer on the Mars Science Laboratory Rover Curiosity
David Blake, NASA AMES
Joint VSC/ESC Seminar - Seismic evidence for a possible deep crustal hot zone beneath Southwest Washington
Ashton Flinders, USGS
March 2017
Seismic Hazard Analysis - Capturing Uncertainty: How Uncertain Should We Be?
Bill Lettis, Lettis Consultants International
How is Coseismic Strain Released across Damage Zones and with Depth? Insights using Sub-pixel Optical Image Correlation
Chris Milliner, UC Berkeley
Data Mining Microseismicity using PageRank
Ana Aguiar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
A New Approach to Constrain Near-Surface Seismic Wave Speed Based Upon Body-Wave Polarization
Sunyoung Park, Harvard University
Towards improved stress drop accuracy
Nana Yoshimitsu, Stanford University
April 2017
Mantle plumes rooted at the core-mantle boundary: evidence from seismic waveform tomography
Barbara Romanowicz, UC Berkeley
Moment-Rate Scaling for Earthquakes 3.3 <= M <= 5.3: Spectra Are Not Classic Aki-Brune
Ralph Archuleta, UC Santa Barbara
Geodesy for understanding seismic hazard
Eileen Evans, USGS Menlo Park
May 2017
Variations in stress, pore fluid pressure and rock strength using minor faults and mineral veins along megasplay fault in subduction zone
Makoto Otsubo, Geological Survey of Japan
Developing seismic monitoring capacity in Myanmar
Emily Wolin, USGS Pasadena/Golden
The Theoretical and Observational Limits of Earthquake Early Warning
Sarah Minson, USGS Menlo Park
Slips, Screams, and Migrating Things: Repeating earthquakes as a toolbox to understand and monitor volcanoes. (Joint VSC/ESC Seminar)
Alicia Hotovec-Ellis, USGS Menlo Park
Seismological and engineering aspects of the recent 14 November 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake
Brendon A. Bradley, University of Canterbury
June 2017
Modeling the earthquake cycle with heterogeneous materials and off-fault plasticity
Brittany Erickson, Portland State University
What allows seismic events to grow big?: Insights from b-value and fault roughness analysis in laboratory stick-slip experiments
Thomas Göbel, UC Santa Cruz
Automatic Noise Removal from Seismic Data using Time-Frequency Analyses
S. Mostafa Mousavi, Stanford University
The Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Induced Seismicity Clusters in Oklahoma and Southern Kansas
Martin Schoenball, Stanford University
July 2017
Seismic Zone at East Africa Rift and South Kansas using Ambient Seismic Noise
Ezer Patlan, USGS Menlo Park
The 1945 Makran tsunami in Karachi Harbour
Brian Atwater, USGS Seattle / University of Washington
Cascadia onshore-offshore site-response, submarine sediment slope-failures and flows, and earthquake recurrence
Joan Gomberg, USGS Seattle / University of Washington
Joint rupture scenarios of the Southern San Andreas, Imperial and intersecting Cross Faults south of Bombay Beach
Christos Kyriakopoulos, UC Riverside
August 2017
Survival in Seattle: Magnitude estimation, survival analysis, and hazard and loss from Puget Lowland paleoearthquakes
Richard Styron, GEM
PRISM, Processing and Review Interface for Strong Motion Data Software
Erol Kalkan, USGS, Earthquake Science Center, Menlo Park
Induced earthquake hazards: Forecasting seismicity rates using a hydromechanical earthquake nucleation model and saltwater disposal data
Jack Norbeck, USGS, ESC, Menlo Park
Core Mantle Boundary Imaging underneath the North Atlantic Ocean using Teleseismic Noise Correlations
Lise Retailleau, Stanford University
The New SAS Bay Bridge: Seismic Safety and Earthquake Engineering Issues
Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, UC Berkeley
September 2017
Is the modern Entiat seismicity cluster a long-lived aftershock sequence from the large 1872 Washington State earthquake?
Tom Brocher, USGS, Menlo Park
Mechanics of Earthquakes, Creep and Slow Slip - A Laboratory Perspective
David Lockner, USGS, Menlo Park
Miocene–Pleistocene deformation of the Saddle Mountains and ongoing work in the Cascadian backarc with implications for seismic hazard in Washington and Oregon
Lydia Staisch, USGS, GMEG, Menlo Park
October 2017
Deformation of the Pacific-North America plate boundary at Queen Charlotte Fault: The possible role of rheology
Uri ten Brink, USGS, Woods Hole
Earthquake Gates of the Altyn Tagh Fault: Linking Rupture Length to Geologically Constrained Dynamics of Fault Complexity
Mike Oskin, University of California Davis
Simulation of Coupled Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Timur Garipov, Stanford University, Energy Resources Engineering
A new (time-domain) approach for earthquake source parameter inversion
Itzhak Lior, Tel Aviv University
November 2017
The influence of hydraulic fracturing in carbon storage performance
Pengcheng Fu, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Characterizing injection-induced seismicity in the United States
Rob Skoumal, USGS, Earthquake Science Center, Menlo Park
Seismic Site Characterization: Measure, Mark and Cut of VS Profiles and VS30 Using a Flexible Multi-method Approach
Alan Yong, USGS, Earthquake Science Center, Pasadena
Predicting Ground Motions from Magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquakes Using 3D Simulations
Art Frankel, USGS
Developments in the use of Micro-Positron Emission Tomography for sample characterization and transport quantification across laboratory scales
Chris Zahasky, Stanford University, Energy Resources Engineering