Developments in the use of Micro-Positron Emission Tomography for sample characterization and transport quantification across laboratory scales

Chris Zahasky

Stanford University, Energy Resources Engineering

Date & Time
Building 3, Rambo Auditorium
Jack Norbeck

Proper descriptions of heterogeneity are essential for understanding and modeling single phase (e.g. contaminant transport, saltwater intrusion) and multiphase (e.g. geologic carbon storage, enhanced oil recovery) transport problems from the sub-core scale to reservoir scale. Application of medical imaging to experimentally quantify these processes has led to significant progress in measurement and understanding of material and fluid transport behavior across laboratory scales. While widely utilized in cancer diagnosis and management, cardiology, and neurology, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) has had relatively limited applications in earth science. PET, and in particular small-bore micro-PET, is ideally suited for 3D time-lapse measurement of radiotracer advection, dispersion, and diffusion in geologic media. This seminar will focus on recent studies utilizing micro-PET to quantify heterogeneous pore water velocity, permeability, and relative permeability in sandstone cores and multimodal imaging strategies for characterizing flow in fractured basalts.

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