Seminars typically take place virtually at 10:30 AM (Pacific) on Wednesdays on Microsoft Teams.
We record most seminars. You can watch live or check the archives to view a past seminar.
January 2010
Detecting transient fault slip using continuously recorded Global Positioning System data
Jessica Murray-Moraleda, USGS - Menlo Park
Seismicity and fault based forecasts: Simulations and statistics
Donald Turcotte, UC - Davis
February 2010
Millennial scale volcano geodesy from geomorphology
Noah Finnegan, UC-Santa Cruz
New views of an old fault: San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain
Sinan Akciz, UC - Irvine
Field observations from the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake
Walter Mooney, USGS Earthquake Science Center, Menlo Park
Stress-weakening effect on friction and a major revision of evolution law for contact state
Kohei Nagata, Earthquake Research Institute
Scaled Seismic Energy in Japan and the Western US: Empirical Green's Function Analysis using the Seismic Coda
Annemarie Baltay, Stanford University
March 2010
3-D Imaging of Marlborough, New Zealand, Subducted Plate and Strike-Slip Fault Systems
Donna Eberhart-Phillips, University of California, Davis
On the influence of aseismic slip on Megathrust seismic ruptures
Jean-Philippe Avouac, Caltech
Field Report from the M8.8 Earthquake in Chile
Walter Mooney, U.S.G.S., Earthquake Science Center
New tools for understanding and mitigating rock-fall hazards in Yosemite National Park
Greg Stock, NPS - Yosemite
April 2010
Tremor-tide correlations and near-lithostatic pore pressure on the deep San Andreas fault
Amanda Thomas, UC Berkeley
M8.8 Chile Earthquake, Engineering Observations supplementing Walter Mooney's Presentation
Mehmet Celebi, U.S.G.S., Earthquake Science Center
Background Hum of a Plate Boundary: Tremor Activity and Lower-Crustal Deformation Along the Central San Andreas Fault
David Shelly, USGS - Menlo Park
The Puerto Rico Trench, the (no-longer) Forgotten Subduction Zone
Uri ten Brink, U.S.G.S., Woods Hole Field Center
May 2010
How Many Earthquakes Does It Take to Be Unusual?
Andy Michael, U.S.G.S., Earthquake Science Center
Farming Marine Algae for Oil
C. Barry Raleigh, HR Biopetroleum
The role of serpentinite in generating a weak, creeping fault: Evidence from laboratory and SAFOD investigations
Diane Moore, U.S.G.S., Earthquake Science Center
Towards a Consistent Model for Strain Accrual and Release for the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Sue Hough, U.S.G.S., Pasadena
June 2010
The 3D Coseismic Deformation of the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake, Obtained from Sub-Pixel Cross Correlation
Mong-Han Huang, U.C. Berkeley
Are there seismogenic faults in Spain?
Eulalia Masana Closa, University of Barcelona
A Global 3D P-velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
Sanford Ballard, Sandia National Laboratories
Buildings, Communities, and the Ferndale Earthquake: A New Perspective on Risk Reduction
David Bonowitz, Structural Engineer
July 2010
Recurrence of Large Earthquakes: Exploration of Wrightwood and Other Long Paleoseismic Records
Kate Scharer, Appalachian State Univ.
Revisiting the 1960 Chilean earthquake
Hiroo Kanamori, Caltech
Tomography of the Mojavian Lithosphere Viscosity from Space Geodetic data of the Landers and Hector Mine Earthquakes
Sylvain Barbot, Caltech
Understanding earthquake triggering by waveform detection of early aftershocks and low-frequency earthquakes
Zhigang Peng, Georgia Tech
August 2010
The 2010 Haiti Earthquake: A Tale of Two Field Investigations
Carol Prentice and Sue Hough, USGS, Earthquake Science Center
Update on recent seismic and paleoseismic activity along the Sumatran plate boundary: A plate boundary on drugs!
Kerry Sieh, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University
Plate mechanisms for the formation of melting anomalies
Gillian Foulger, University of Durham
Unraveling the Structural Knot in the Southern San Andreas Fault
Vicki Langenheim, USGS, Geology and Geophysics Science Center
The physics of strain localization in dynamic earthquake rupture simulations
Eric Daub, Los Alamos National Lab
September 2010
High-resolution b-value analysis in space and time
Thessa Tormann, ETH Zuerich
Dynamic ruptures on rough faults: Incoherent high frequency ground motion, frequency-dependent far-field radiation patterns, and why mature and immature faults might operate at different stress levels
Eric Dunham, Stanford University
Inferring ground motion and magnitudes from paleoliquefaction: 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquakes
Tom Holzer, USGS, Earthquake Science Center
October 2010
Can MEMS Accelerometers and Community-Based Networks Enhance Seismic Observations?
Elizabeth Cochran, U.C. Riverside
Vector-valued PSHA and Correlated Ground Motion Random Fields: Tools for Hazard and Risk Assessment Studies
Paolo Bazzurro, AIR Worldwide, Inc.
Except in highly idealized cases, repeating earthquakes and laboratory earthquakes are neither time nor slip-predictable
Justin Rubinstein, U.S.G.S., Earthquake Science Center
November 2010
Response of mud volcanoes to the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
Max Rudolph, UC Berkeley
Extreme Ground Motions
Tom Hanks, USGS, Menlo Park
High Vp/Vs zone accompanying slow events and low-velocity lower crust along active faults beneath the southwestern Japan
Makoto Matsubara, NIED, Tsukuba, Japan