M 6.8 - 6 km SE of Camaná, Peru
- 1999-04-03 06:17:18 (UTC)
- 16.660°S 72.662°W
- 87.2 km depth
One person killed in the Camana area. Fifty people injured and at least 300 houses damaged (VI) in the Arequipa area. Felt (IV) at Nazca and Pisco; (III) at Ica and Moquegua; (II) at Cuzco and Lima. Also felt (V) at Arica and Putre; (IV) at Camarones, Camina, Codpa, Iquique and Pozo Almonte; (III) at Huara and Pica, Chile. Landslides temporarily blocked the Pan American Highway at four locations in southern Peru.