M 6.8 - 42 km SSW of Bartolomé Masó, Cuba

  • 2024-11-10 16:49:50 (UTC)
  • 19.797°N 77.051°W
  • 14.0 km depth

Ground Failure

ShakeMap shaking estimates used by Ground Failure are preliminary and will be updated as data arrive from a variety of distributed sources. Check for subsequent updates.
Contributed by US last updated 2025-01-24 19:01:27 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have NOT been reviewed by a scientist.
Version 9


Estimated Area Exposed to Hazard

Estimated Area Exposed to HazardLittle or no Little or no ≤ 0.1 km² Limited Limited 1 km² Significant Significant 10 km² Extensive Extensive 100 km² ≥ 1,000 km² Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
Landslides triggered by this earthquake are estimated to be limited in number and (or) spatial extent.

Estimated Population Exposure

Estimated Population ExposureLittle or no Little or no ≤ 10 Limited Limited 100 Significant Significant 1,000 Extensive Extensive 10,000 ≥ 100,000 Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
The number of people living near areas that could have produced landslides in this earthquake is low, but landslide damage or fatalities are still possible in highly susceptible areas. This is not a direct estimate of landslide fatalities or losses.


Estimated Area Exposed to Hazard

Estimated Area Exposed to HazardLittle or no Little or no ≤ 1 km² Limited Limited 10 km² Significant Significant 100 km² Extensive Extensive 1,000 km² ≥ 10,000 km² Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
Liquefaction triggered by this earthquake is estimated to be significant in severity and (or) spatial extent.

Estimated Population Exposure

Estimated Population ExposureLittle or no Little or no ≤ 100 Limited Limited 1,000 Significant Significant 10,000 Extensive Extensive 100,000 ≥ 1,000,000 Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) Triangle indicates best estimate of exposure and horizontal bar represents the uncertainty (95% confidence interval)
The number of people living near areas that could have produced liquefaction in this earthquake is significant. This is not a direct estimate of liquefaction fatalities or losses.

Due to local factors and model limitations, ground failure may still occur when alert levels indicate little or no hazard. Refer to Ground Failure Background for more information.

Results are based on ground-motion estimates from ShakeMap version 9 (point source) . The extent of shaking and ground-failure estimates generally improve as more details are incorporated into ShakeMap. ShakeMap is currently approximating this earthquake as a point source, and the mapped extent of ground failure commonly changes significantly when a fault model is added, especially for larger earthquakes.

For More Information