M 7.6 - 99 km SE of Sand Point, Alaska
- 2020-10-19 20:54:38 (UTC)
- 54.602°N 159.626°W
- 28.4 km depth
Did You Feel It?
A tsunami was generated with the following observed wave heights in centimeters: 76.2 at Chignik Bay, 70.1 at Sand Point, 64 at King Cove, 9.1 at Nikolski and Unalaska and 6.1 at Atka; 27.4 at Hilo, 24.4 at Hanalei, 18.3 at Hale`iwa, 12.2 at Kahului, 9.1 at Nawiliwili, 6.1 at Kawaihae and 3 on Moku`olo`e, Hawaii; 21.3 at Crescent City, California.
For More Information
- Overview
13-Tsunami Alert Cancellation for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 12-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 11-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska Tsunami Advisory for Hawaii from the PTWC 10-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 9-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 8-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska Tsunami Information Bulletin Supplement from the PTWC 7-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 6-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 5-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 4-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 3-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska 2-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska Tsunami Information for Hawaii from the PTWC 1-Tsunami Alert for US west coast, British Columbia, or Alaska