Real-time Notifications
Know about earthquakes just after they happen. The ENS and TED services each offer something different, depending on your interests.
Earthquake Notification Service (ENS)
The Earthquake Notification Service (ENS) is a free service that sends you automated notifications to your email or cell phone when earthquakes happen.
Earthquake Information Social Media and RSS Feeds
A list of all the earthquake-related social media accounts and RSS feeds.
Real-time Feeds 
To subscribe to a real-time feed, select a format (ATOM is the best choice for most), then select which feed you want from the list on that page, and copy the URL into your feed reader of choice.
ATOM Syndication
A basic syndication format supported by a variety of feed readers. This is a good option for casually subscribing to earthquake information.
Google Earth™ KML
This feed format is suitable for loading into applications that understand Keyhole Markup Language (KML) such as Google Earth™
Spreadsheet Format
A simple text format suitable for loading data into spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel™. This is a good option for manual scientific analysis.
A flexible, extensible and modular XML representation of seismological data which is intended to cover a broad range of fields of application in modern seismology.
GeoJSON Summary Feed
A format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. This feed contains a subset of the event data for the event lists. If you prefer the full suite of event data for a single event, use the GeoJSON Detail Feed.
For Developers
- API Documentation - Earthquake Catalog
- GeoJSON Summary Feed
- GeoJSON Detail Feed
- Change Log
- Feed Lifecycle Policy
- Developers Corner - Earthquake catalog bulk access via scripts and programs, tools for obtaining specific products from earthquake catalog
- Web Services
- Mailing List - Announcements
- Mailing List - Forum/Questions