M 6.9 - 21 km N of Tomé, Chile

  • 2011-02-11 20:05:30 (UTC)
  • 36.422°S 72.960°W
  • 26.0 km depth

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Power outages occurred at Constitucion, Curanipe and Pelluhue. A local tsunami with a wave height of 0.3 meters observed at Talcahuano. Felt (VI) at Arauco, Cauquenes, Chanco, Colbun, Concepcion, Constitucion, Curico, Empedrado, La Laja, Linares, Longavi, Molina, Pelluhue, Retiro, Romeral, San Clemente, San Javier, Talca, Talcahuano and Yerbas Buenas; (V) at Angol, Chepica, Chillan, Iloca, Los Sauces, Melipeuco, Paredones, Parral, Rancagua, Renaico, Rio Claro, Santa Cruz and Yumbel; (IV) at Los Angeles, San Vicente and Vina del Mar; (III) at Santiago and Temuco. Felt in much of central Chile from La Ligua to Valdivia. Felt (II) at Buenos Aires, Argentina. Also felt at Cutral Co, Mendoza, Neuquen, San Carlos de Bariloche and San Juan.

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