M 4.6 - near the coast of central Chile
- 2010-04-05 03:32:14 (UTC)
- 33.387°S 71.025°W
- 67.2 km depth
Did You Feel It?
Felt (V) in Talagante and at Maipo, Melipilla, San Antonio and San Fernando; (IV) at Buin, Casablanca, Casas de Chacabuco, Graneros, Puente Alto, Quillota, Quilpue, Rancagua, San Bernardo, Santiago and Valparaiso; (III) at Colina, La Calera, Machali, San Felipe, Villa Alemana and Vina del Mar; (II) at Curico. Also felt at El Monte, La Ligua, Lampa, Limache, Los Andes, Paine, Penaflor, Rengo and San Vicente.