M 6.3 - 45 km E of Estique, Peru

  • 1994-12-12 07:41:55 (UTC)
  • 17.477°S 69.598°W
  • 148.2 km depth


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Felt (V) at Arica; (IV) at Putre; (II) at Camina, Huara, Iquique and Pica, Chile. Felt (IV) at Arequipa and Moquegua; (III) at Tacna, Peru. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=345 Dip=85 Slip=-125 NP2:Strike=248 Dip=35 Slip=-9 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=31 Azm=103 (P) Plg=40 Azm=223 Comment: The focal mechanism is moderately well controlled and corresponds to normal faulting with a large strike-slip component. The preferred fault plane is not determined. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 11 Focal mech. F Energy 1.4+0.3*10**14 Nm MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION Dep 147 No. of sta: 21 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**18 Nm Mrr=-0.73 Mtt=-0.57 Mff=1.30 Mrt=0.55 Mrf=-2.24 Mtf=1.07 Principal axes: (T) Val=2.86 Plg=30 Azm=102 (N) Val=-0.16 Plg=28 Azm=354 (P) Val=-2.70 Plg=46 Azm=229 Best Double Couple:Mo=2.8*10**18 NP1:Strike=243 Dip=30 Slip=-18 NP2:Strike=349 Dip=81 Slip=-119 CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GSN L.P.B.: 57S,141C Centroid Location: Origin Time 07:42: 2.2 0.1 Lat 17.44S 0.02 Lon 69.66W 0.02 Dep 161.4 0.6 Half-duration 3.3 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**18 Nm Mrr=-1.14 0.03 Mtt=-0.68 0.04 Mff=1.82 0.04 Mrt=0.73 0.03 Mrf=-1.85 0.03 Mtf=0.50 0.04 Principal Axes: (T) Val=2.71 Plg=25 Azm=93 (N) Val=-0.26 Plg=25 Azm=350 (P) Val=-2.46 Plg=53 Azm=222 Best Double Couple:Mo=2.6*10**18 NP1:Strike=224 Dip=30 Slip=-33 NP2:Strike=343 Dip=75 Slip=-116

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