M 6.7 - 15 km S of Murindó, Colombia
- 1992-10-17 08:32:40 (UTC)
- 6.845°N 76.806°W
- 14.3 km depth
About 20 people injured and 90 percent of the buildings destroyed at Murindo. Felt throughout northwestern Colombia from Cali and Bogota to Cesar Department. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=35 Dip=63 Slip=90 NP2:Strike=215 Dip=27 Slip=90 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=72 Azm=305 (P) Plg=18 Azm=125 Comment: The focal mechanism is poorly controlled and corresponds to reverse faulting. The preferred fault plane is not determined. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 13 Focal mech. M Energy 9.5+2.5*10**13 Nm MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION Dep 8 No. of sta: 15 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**18 Nm Mrr=4.50 Mtt=-5.78 Mff=1.28 Mrt=1.76 Mrf=4.29 Mtf=-3.29 Principal axes: (T) Val=7.49 Plg=54 Azm=266 (N) Val=0.48 Plg=31 Azm=54 (P) Val=-7.97 Plg=16 Azm=153 Best Double Couple:Mo=7.7*10**18 NP1:Strike=280 Dip=40 Slip=143 NP2:Strike=39 Dip=67 Slip=56 CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 41S, **C M.W.: 29S, 71C Centroid Location: Origin Time 08:32:48.2 0.1 Lat 7.22N 0.01 Lon 76.39W 0.01 Dep 15.0 FIX Half-duration 5.1 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**18 Nm Mrr=7.44 0.08 Mtt=-6.31 0.06 Mff=-1.13 0.09 Mrt=1.28 0.34 Mrf=3.45 0.37 Mtf=-8.99 0.06 Principal Axes: (T) Val=9.03 Plg=59 Azm=247 (N) Val=4.50 Plg=30 Azm=47 (P) Val=-13.53 Plg=8 Azm=142 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.1*10**19 NP1:Strike=262 Dip=45 Slip=135 NP2:Strike=28 Dip=60 Slip=55