M 6.7 - 8 km W of Cimin, Turkey

  • 1992-03-13 17:18:39 (UTC)
  • 39.710°N 39.605°E
  • 27.2 km depth


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At least 498 people killed, 2,000 injured, some missing; 2,200 houses heavily damaged at Erzincan. Landslides and avalanches blocked a number of roads in the epicentral area. Felt strongly in many parts of northeastern Turkey. Complex event observed on broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=277 Dip=90 Slip=170 NP2:Strike=7 Dip=80 Slip=360 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=7 Azm=232 (P) Plg=7 Azm=322 Comment: The focal mechanism is moderately well controlled and corresponds to left-lateral strike-slip faulting with a small normal component. The preferred fault plane is NP1. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 11 Focal mech. F Energy 7.0+1.7*10**14 Nm MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION Dep 21 No. of sta: 18 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**19 Nm Mrr=-0.02 Mtt=-1.20 Mff=1.22 Mrt=0.14 Mrf=-0.33 Mtf=-0.44 Principal axes: (T) Val=1.38 Plg=14 Azm=80 (N) Val=-0.10 Plg=76 Azm=275 (P) Val=-1.28 Plg=4 Azm=171 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.3*10**19 NP1:Strike=216 Dip=78 Slip=7 NP2:Strike=124 Dip=83 Slip=167 CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 32S, 92C M.W.: 30S, 75C Centroid Location: Origin Time 17:18:46.4 0.1 Lat 39.94N 0.01 Lon 39.57E 0.01 Dep 15.0 FIX Half-duration 8.4 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**19 Nm Mrr=-0.12 0.01 Mtt=-0.99 0.01 Mff=1.12 0.01 Mrt=0.04 0.04 Mrf=-0.15 0.05 Mtf=-0.46 0.01 Principal Axes: (T) Val=1.23 Plg=7 Azm=78 (N) Val=-0.14 Plg=83 Azm=265 (P) Val=-1.08 Plg=1 Azm=168 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.2*10**19 NP1:Strike=213 Dip=85 Slip=4 NP2:Strike=123 Dip=86 Slip=175

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