M 7.0 - 22 km WNW of Java, Georgia
- 1991-04-29 09:12:48 (UTC)
- 42.453°N 43.673°E
- 17.2 km depth
At least 114 people killed, about 1,000 injured, 70 missing, 67,000 homeless and severe damage (VIII) and landslides in the Dzhava-Chiatura-Ambrolauri area, USSR with 95 percent of buildings destroyed in the area. Felt (VI) in the Kutaisi area; (V) at Leninakan and Tbilisi; (IV) at Kirovakan and Spitak. Felt throughout the western Caucasus and Trans-Caucasus from Sukhumi to Groznyy and Yerevan, USSR. Landslides created a natural dam on the Patas River. This was breached several days later, causing additional damage in the Dzhava-Tskhinvali area. Also felt in Ardahan, Artvin, Kars and Rize Provinces, Turkey. Two events about three seconds apart. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms, based on second event. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=80 Dip=46 Slip=90 NP2:Strike=260 Dip=44 Slip=90 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=89 Azm=350 (P) Plg=1 Azm=170 Comment: The focal mechanism is poorly controlled and corresponds to reverse faulting. The preferred fault plane is NP2. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 9 Focal mech. C Energy 1.4+0.3*10**14 Nm CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 23S, 68C M.W.: 14S, 41C Centroid Location: Origin Time 09:12:59.9 0.1 Lat 42.60N 0.01 Lon 43.61E 0.01 Dep 22.3 BDY Half-duration 11.4 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**19 Nm Mrr=3.49 0.02 Mtt=-2.80 0.03 Mff=-0.69 0.03 Mrt=0.89 0.06 Mrf=0.70 0.06 Mtf=0.33 0.02 Principal Axes: (T) Val=3.74 Plg=77 Azm=311 (N) Val=-0.79 Plg=10 Azm=95 (P) Val=-2.95 Plg=7 Azm=186 Best Double Couple:Mo=3.3*10**19 NP1:Strike=288 Dip=39 Slip=106 NP2:Strike=87 Dip=53 Slip=77