M 6.0 - 83 km SSE of Pangai, Tonga

  • 1990-09-08 20:31:57 (UTC)
  • 20.548°S 174.173°W
  • 33.0 km depth

FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=340 Dip=76 Slip=90 NP2:Strike=160 Dip=14 Slip=90 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=59 Azm=250 (P) Plg=31 Azm=70 Comment: The focal mechanism is poorly controlled and corresponds to reverse faulting. The preferred fault plane is NP2. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 7 Focal mech. F Energy 3.4+1.2*10**12 Nm CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 14S, 30C Centroid Location: Origin Time 20:32: 6.5 0.4 Lat 20.39S 0.03 Lon 173.96W 0.03 Dep 21.2 1.3 Half-duration 4.0 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**17 Nm Mrr=8.71 0.18 Mtt=1.17 0.28 Mff=-9.88 0.33 Mrt=2.55 0.39 Mrf=7.30 0.63 Mtf=-3.21 0.17 Principal Axes: (T) Val=11.43 Plg=71 Azm=295 (N) Val=2.01 Plg=3 Azm=197 (P) Val=-13.43 Plg=19 Azm=106 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.2*10**18 NP1:Strike=191 Dip=26 Slip=83 NP2:Strike=18 Dip=64 Slip=93

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