M 6.3 - 2 km SSW of N?ruja, Romania

  • 1990-05-31 00:17:47 (UTC)
  • 45.811°N 26.769°E
  • 88.2 km depth


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Additional damage in Romania. Felt (V) in northern Bulgaria and at Kishinev, USSR. Felt throughout Bulgaria and in parts of Yugoslavia. Also felt at Lvov, USSR and Istanbul, Turkey. Two events about 2.3 seconds apart. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms, based on first event. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=310 Dip=70 Slip=90 NP2:Strike=130 Dip=20 Slip=90 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=65 Azm=220 (P) Plg=25 Azm=40 Comment: The focal mechanism is well controlled and corresponds to reverse faulting. The preferred fault plane is NP2. CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 15S, 41C M.W.: 13S, 24C Centroid Location: Origin Time 00:17:44.7 0.3 Lat 45.67N 0.03 Lon 26.00E 0.02 Dep 87.3 1.3 Half-duration 5.5 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**18 Nm Mrr=2.02 0.04 Mtt=-2.09 0.07 Mff=0.07 0.06 Mrt=-1.63 0.04 Mrf=1.65 0.04 Mtf=0.93 0.05 Principal Axes: (T) Val=3.16 Plg=63 Azm=244 (N) Val=0.15 Plg=15 Azm=123 (P) Val=-3.31 Plg=22 Azm=27 Best Double Couple:Mo=3.2*10**18 NP1:Strike=90 Dip=26 Slip=54 NP2:Strike=309 Dip=69 Slip=106

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