M 5.9 - 33 km S of Jonquière, Canada
- 1988-11-25 23:46:04 (UTC)
- 48.117°N 71.183°W
- 28.9 km depth
Damage in the Chicoutimi-La Baie area and in the Quebec City area. Maximum intensity VII. Landslides reported in the La Tuque area. Felt in Canada from southern Ontario to Nova Scotia and western Labrador. Felt (V) in parts of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. Felt in the New England States and in parts of Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and as far south as Washington, D.C. Depth 19.8 kilometers from broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=340 Dip=63 Slip=90 NP2:Strike=160 Dip=27 Slip=90 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=72 Azm=250 (P) Plg=18 Azm=70 Comment: The focal mechanism is poorly controlled and corresponds to reverse faulting. The preferred fault plane is not determined. RADIATED ENERGY No. of sta: 5 Focal mech. C Energy 1.9+0.8*10**13 Nm CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 10S, 25C Centroid Location: Origin Time 23:46: 3.1 0.7 Lat 48.01N 0.07 Lon 71.16W 0.05 Dep 27.5 3.6 Half-duration 3.4 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**17 Nm Mrr=5.16 0.20 Mtt=0.03 0.25 Mff=-5.19 0.24 Mrt=-4.56 0.70 Mrf=1.07 0.50 Mtf=1.17 0.22 Principal Axes: (T) Val=7.83 Plg=60 Azm=183 (N) Val=-1.90 Plg=26 Azm=332 (P) Val=-5.93 Plg=14 Azm=68 Best Double Couple:Mo=6.9*10**17 NP1:Strike=189 Dip=39 Slip=135 NP2:Strike=317 Dip=64 Slip=60