M 7.6 - 157 km ESE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea

  • 1983-03-18 09:05:50 (UTC)
  • 4.883°S 153.581°E
  • 88.8 km depth


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Damage (VII) along the southeast coast of New Ireland. Landslides and ground cracks occurred, trees were uprooted and steam was ejected from fumaroles in the Feni Islands. Slight damage (VI) and minor landslides in the Rabaul area, New Britain. Felt on Bougainville and (III) at Port Moresby, New Guinea. Felt strongly by two ships at sea in the epicentral area. Twenty-five cm. tsunami recorded at Rabaul. Minor tsunami observed in the Feni Islands and along the southeast coast of New Ireland. [FS]. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-WAVES NP1:STRIKE=175;DIP=65;SLIP=110 NP2:STRIKE=314;DIP=32;SLIP=54 PRINCIPAL AXES: (T) PLG=64; AZM=119 (P) PLG=18; AZM=250 COMMENT: Moderately well controlled reverse fault type mechanism with a small amount of strike-slip. NP to be designated as the fault plane not determined. CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION HARVARD EVENT-FILE NAME C031883A DATA USED: GDSN L.P. BODY WAVES: 18S, 50C, T=45 MANTLE WAVES: 22S, 65C, T=135 CENTROID LOCATION: ORIGIN TIME 9: 6: 6.2 0.1 LAT 4.86S 0.01;LON 153.34E 0.02 DEP 69.9 0.6;HALF-DURATION 15.0 MOMENT TENSOR; SCALE 10**27 D-CM MRR=4.11 0.04; MTT=-0.96 0.03 MFF=-3.15 0.04; MRT=-1.65 0.04 MRF=-0.95 0.05; MTF=2.04 0.03 PRINCIPAL AXES: 1.(T) VAL=4.89;PLG=68;AZM=150 2.(N) -0.53; 22; 329 3.(P) -4.37; 0; 59 BEST DOUBLE COUPLE:M0=4.6*10**27 NP1:STRIKE=170;DIP=49;SLIP=120 NP2:Strike=308;Dip=49;Slip=60

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