M 5.0 - southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge

  • 2024-12-15 21:12:19 (UTC)
  • 47.211°S 13.263°W
  • 10.0 km depth
50 km
50 mi

Nearby Places

  1. Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, Tristan da Cunha, Saint Helena
  2. Retreat, Western Cape, South Africa
  3. Claremont, Western Cape, South Africa
  4. Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
  5. Lansdowne, Western Cape, South Africa
Distance and direction from epicenter to nearby place. Nearby place information was automatically generated from GeoNames. The list includes populated places, not necessarily cities. If this information is inaccurate, please consider updating the GeoNames database.

Tectonic Summary

Data not available.

For More Information