M 6.0 - 22 km NNW of Illapel, Chile

  • 2015-09-22 07:13:00 (UTC)
  • 31.444°S 71.265°W
  • 58.0 km depth

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Felt (VII) at Combarbala; (VI) at Andacollo, Canela, Coquimbo, Illapel, La Serena, Los Vilos, Punitaqui and Salamanca; (V) at El Quisco, Graneros, La Higuera, La Ligua, Monte Patria, Quillota, Rancagua, Rinconada, Rio Hurtado, San Fernando, Santo Domingo, Valparaiso, Vicuna, Villa Alemana and Zapallar. Felt (III) at Mendoza and San Juan, Argentina. Felt throughout central Chile and in much of western Argentina.

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