M 5.8 - 18 km WSW of Valparaíso, Chile

  • 2017-04-28 16:05:57 (UTC)
  • 33.130°S 71.800°W
  • 27.0 km depth


Contributed by US last updated 2017-07-20 02:13:21 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have NOT been reviewed by a scientist.

Estimated Fatalities

Estimated Fatalities Histogram
Green alert for shaking-related fatalities and economic losses. There is a low likelihood of casualties and damage.

Estimated Economic Losses

Estimated Economic Losses Histogram

Estimated Population Exposure to Earthquake Shaking

Population Exposure Map
Population per ~1 sq. km. from LandScan
Population Exposure
I Not Felt 32 k*
II-III Weak 7,677 k*
IV Light 5,883 k
V Moderate 835 k
VI Strong 0 k
VII Very Strong 0 k
VIII Severe 0 k
IX Violent 0 k
X Extreme 0 k

*Estimated exposure only includes population within map area (k = x1,000)
Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale

Structure Information Summary

Overall, the population in this region resides in structures that are resistant to earthquake shaking, though vulnerable structures exist. The predominant vulnerable building types are adobe block and concrete wall construction.

Secondary Effects

Recent earthquakes in this area have caused secondary hazards such as landslides and liquefaction that might have contributed to losses.

Selected Cities Exposed
V Vina del Mar 295 k
V Quilpue 130 k
V Valparaiso 282 k
IV Villa Alemana 97 k
IV El Tabo 0 k
IV Quillota 68 k
IV Santiago 4,837 k
III Rancagua 213 k
III Talca 197 k
II Mendoza 877 k

From GeoNames Database of Cities with 1,000 or more residents (k = x1,000)