M 6.1 - 73 km E of ‘Ohonua, Tonga
- 1972-08-28 18:58:01 (UTC)
- 21.341°S 174.243°W
- 10.0 km depth
- The data below are the most preferred data available
- The data below have been reviewed by a scientist
- Magnitude
uncertainty 6.11 mw ± 0.2 - Location
21.341°S 174.243°W - Depth
uncertainty 10.0 km ± 12.7 - Origin Time
- Number of Stations
- -
- Number of Phases
- -
- Minimum Distance
- - ( - )
- Travel Time Residual
- Azimuthal Gap
- -
- FE Region
Loading FE region information… - Review Status
- Catalog
- ISCGEM ( iscgem771053 )
- Location Source
ISCGEM - Magnitude Source
ISCGEM - Contributor