M 6.9 - Northwest Territories, Canada

  • 1985-12-23 05:16:03 (UTC)
  • 62.222°N 124.239°W
  • 6.0 km depth


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Felt (VI) at Fort Simpson and Wrigley. Felt strongly at Fort Liard. Some people fled from buildings in Edmonton, Alberta, about 1100 km from the epicenter. Felt in parts of Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Felt (III) at Camas, Washington; Grand Forks, North Dakota and Metlakatla, Alaska; (II) at Juneau, Alaska and Helena, Montana. Also felt at Spokane, Washington. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=358 Dip=72 Slip=90 NP2:Strike=178 Dip=18 Slip=90 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=63 Azm=268 (P) Plg=27 Azm=88 Comment: The focal mechanism is poorly controlled and corresponds to reverse faulting. The preferred fault plane is NP2. MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION Dep 2 No. of sta: 14 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**26 d-cm Mrr=0.87 Mtt=0.68 Mff=-1.56 Mrt=-0.72 Mrf=1.79 Mtf=0.19 Principal axes: (T) Val=2.05 Plg=57 Azm=226 (N) Val=0.53 Plg=16 Azm=341 (P) Val=-2.58 Plg=29 Azm=80 Best Double Couple:Mo=2.3*10**26 NP1:Strike=206 Dip=22 Slip=137 NP2:Strike=337 Dip=75 Slip=74 CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN L.P.B.: 13S, 33C M.W.: 13S, 35C Centroid Location: Origin Time 05:16:11.1 0.2 Lat 62.33N 0.02 Lon 123.79W 0.03 Dep 14.7 0.7 Half-duration 9.5 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**26 D-CM Mrr=1.64 0.02 Mtt=-0.30 0.02 Mff=-1.34 0.02 Mrt=0.18 0.06 Mrf=0.03 0.06 Mtf=0.22 0.01 Principal Axes: (T) Val=1.65 Plg=84 Azm=349 (N) Val=-0.27 Plg=6 Azm=168 (P) Val=-1.38 Plg=0 Azm=258 Best Double Couple:Mo=1.5*10**26 NP1:Strike=354 Dip=45 Slip=98 NP2:Strike=163 Dip=45 Slip=82

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