M 7.0 - 37 km E of Balkanabat, Turkmenistan

  • 2000-12-06 17:11:06 (UTC)
  • 39.566°N 54.799°E
  • 30.0 km depth


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Unconfirmed reports of 11 people killed, several injured and damage (VII) in the Nebitdag-Turkmenbashi area. Felt (V) at Gyzylarbat and (IV) at Ashgabat. Felt (V) at Nukus and (III) at Bukhoro, Qarshi, Samarqand and Tashkent, Uzbekistan; (V) at Baku, Azerbaijan; (IV) at Izberbash, Makhachkala and Pyatigorsk, Russia. Also felt in Armenia, northern Iran and as far north as Moscow.

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