M 1.6 - 10 km NW of Malibu, CA

  • 2025-03-17 13:42:09 (UTC)
  • 34.065°N 118.897°W
  • 11.1 km depth


Contributed by CI last updated 2025-03-17 14:27:36 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have been reviewed by a scientist
Phase Arrival Times
ChannelDistanceAzimuthPhaseArrival TimeStatusResidualWeight
CI CHK HHZ 0.06 ° 272.00 ° P 2.1 s automatic -0.16 0.26
CI CHK HHE 0.06 ° 272.00 ° S 4.0 s automatic 0.04 0.10
CI PTD HHZ 0.10 ° 128.00 ° P 2.9 s automatic 0.16 0.26
CI PTD HHE 0.10 ° 128.00 ° S 5.3 s automatic 0.76 0.05
CI LAT HHZ 0.10 ° 101.00 ° P 2.7 s automatic 0.03 0.13
CI LAT HHE 0.10 ° 101.00 ° S 5.0 s automatic 0.32 0.06
CE 24857 HNZ 10 0.12 ° 348.00 ° P 2.9 s automatic -0.15 0.13
CE 24857 HNE 10 0.12 ° 348.00 ° S 5.1 s automatic -0.19 0.06
NP 5431 HNE 10 0.15 ° 8.00 ° S 6.2 s automatic 0.12 0.06
NP 5080 HNZ 10 0.17 ° 85.00 ° P 3.7 s automatic -0.12 0.13
NP 5080 HNE 10 0.17 ° 85.00 ° S 6.5 s automatic 0.02 0.06
CI WSS HHE 0.23 ° 62.00 ° S 9.0 s automatic 0.42 0.03
CI BLC HHZ 0.26 ° 46.00 ° P 5.2 s automatic -0.12 0.19
CI BLC HHE 0.26 ° 46.00 ° S 9.4 s automatic 0.27 0.06
CI OAT HHZ 0.36 ° 40.00 ° P 7.5 s automatic 0.06 0.13
CI DJJ HHZ 0.37 ° 83.00 ° P 6.9 s automatic -0.23 0.13
CI DJJ HHE 0.37 ° 83.00 ° S 12.0 s automatic -0.15 0.06
CI GDF HHZ 0.41 ° 358.00 ° P 8.5 s automatic 0.50 0.13
CI CDM HHZ 0.48 ° 310.00 ° P 9.3 s automatic 0.20 0.13
CI CDM HHE 0.48 ° 310.00 ° S 16.6 s automatic 0.94 0.02
CI WGR HHZ 0.54 ° 326.00 ° P 10.1 s automatic -0.12 0.19
CI WGR HHE 0.54 ° 326.00 ° S 17.9 s automatic 0.37 0.06
CE 14831 HNZ 10 0.55 ° 119.00 ° P 10.2 s automatic -0.21 0.13
CE 14831 HNE 10 0.55 ° 119.00 ° S 17.6 s automatic -0.32 0.03
CI RYS HHZ 0.69 ° 327.00 ° P 13.0 s automatic 0.11 0.13
CI RYS BHE 0.69 ° 327.00 ° S 22.8 s automatic 0.77 0.05
CI LEO HHZ 0.75 ° 40.00 ° P 13.6 s automatic -0.10 0.13
CI LEO HHE 0.75 ° 40.00 ° S 24.1 s automatic 0.87 0.06
CI CHF HHZ 0.77 ° 69.00 ° P 13.7 s automatic -0.23 0.13
CI CHF HHE 0.77 ° 69.00 ° S 24.1 s automatic 0.12 0.03
CI CIA HHZ 0.77 ° 148.00 ° P 14.4 s automatic 0.13 0.13
CI CIA HHE 0.77 ° 148.00 ° S 24.8 s automatic 0.43 0.06
CI ABL HHZ 0.83 ° 341.00 ° P 15.1 s automatic -0.03 0.12
CI ABL HHE 0.83 ° 341.00 ° S 27.4 s automatic 1.51 0.00
CI CLO HNZ 0.18 ° 330.00 ° P 4.1 s automatic 0.01 0.13
NP 5030 HNZ 0.88 ° 58.00 ° P 15.0 s automatic -0.93 0.04