M 1.5 - 4 km SSE of Highland Park, CA

  • 2025-03-12 13:12:03 (UTC)
  • 34.086°N 118.184°W
  • 10.8 km depth


Contributed by CI last updated 2025-03-12 18:37:19 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have been reviewed by a scientist
Phase Arrival Times
ChannelDistanceAzimuthPhaseArrival TimeStatusResidualWeight
CE 24400 HNE 10 0.05 ° 174.50 ° S 4.4 s automatic 0.72 0.04
CE 24040 HNZ 10 0.06 ° 199.80 ° P 2.5 s automatic 0.23 0.16
CE 24040 HNE 10 0.06 ° 199.80 ° S 4.8 s automatic 0.94 0.02
CI GVR EHZ 0.06 ° 124.30 ° P 2.4 s automatic -0.19 0.21
CI MIKB HNE 0.07 ° 43.30 ° S 4.2 s automatic 0.18 0.05
CI CAC HNE 0.07 ° 45.30 ° S 4.2 s automatic 0.18 0.05
CI PASC HHZ 00 0.09 ° 359.30 ° P 2.3 s automatic -0.05 0.21
CI PASC HHE 00 0.09 ° 359.30 ° S 4.2 s automatic 0.11 0.05
CE 24945 HNZ 10 0.10 ° 322.60 ° P 2.6 s automatic -0.10 0.21
CE 24945 HNE 10 0.10 ° 322.60 ° S 4.7 s automatic 0.05 0.08
CI GR2 HHZ 0.10 ° 288.50 ° P 2.5 s automatic -0.10 0.21
CI LGB HHE 0.11 ° 165.40 ° S 6.1 s automatic 0.21 0.05
CI JPLS HHZ 0.12 ° 4.10 ° P 2.9 s automatic -0.11 0.21
CI GOU HHZ 0.13 ° 358.50 ° P 3.1 s automatic 0.02 0.21
CI GOU HHE 0.13 ° 358.50 ° S 5.7 s automatic 0.22 0.08
CE 24944 HNZ 10 0.15 ° 338.50 ° P 3.5 s automatic -0.05 0.21
CI RHC2 HHZ 0.17 ° 121.00 ° P 4.2 s automatic 0.27 0.11
CI MWC HHZ 0.17 ° 37.00 ° P 3.8 s automatic 0.15 0.11
CI MWC HHE 0.17 ° 37.00 ° S 6.9 s automatic 0.49 0.08
CI DEC HHZ 0.21 ° 323.50 ° P 4.4 s automatic -0.02 0.21
CI GCC EHZ 0.27 ° 335.30 ° P 5.4 s automatic -0.01 0.21
CI PEM HHZ 0.27 ° 72.60 ° P 5.3 s automatic -0.17 0.21
CI CHF HHZ 0.28 ° 27.80 ° P 5.5 s automatic 0.14 0.21
CI XTL2 HHZ 0.34 ° 51.60 ° P 6.6 s automatic -0.09 0.11
CI SOL2 HHZ 0.36 ° 346.10 ° P 6.9 s automatic -0.12 0.21
CI BLC HHZ 0.44 ° 291.40 ° P 8.6 s automatic 0.12 0.11
CI OAT HHZ 0.44 ° 306.00 ° P 9.5 s automatic 0.77 0.07
CI CJV2 HHZ 0.44 ° 4.20 ° P 8.5 s automatic 0.13 0.16
CI BFS BHE 0.46 ° 70.50 ° S 14.8 s automatic -0.04 0.03
CI HOL HHZ 0.47 ° 36.80 ° P 8.8 s automatic 0.04 0.11
CI LEO HHZ 0.55 ° 349.60 ° P 10.3 s automatic -0.03 0.21
CI LEO HHE 0.55 ° 349.60 ° S 18.1 s automatic 0.66 0.05
CI PLS HHZ 0.56 ° 121.20 ° P 10.7 s automatic 0.18 0.11
CI SSS HHZ 0.61 ° 95.00 ° P 11.4 s automatic 0.00 0.11
CI ALP HHZ 0.61 ° 351.00 ° P 11.4 s automatic 0.05 0.05
CI RKMO HHZ 0.63 ° 130.60 ° P 11.5 s automatic -0.27 0.11
CI POP HHZ 0.66 ° 345.00 ° P 12.5 s automatic 0.08 0.11
CI LMH HHE 0.74 ° 117.20 ° S 23.4 s automatic 0.08 0.05
CE 24400 HNZ 10 0.05 ° 174.50 ° P 2.2 s manual 0.06 0.11
CI GVR HNE 0.06 ° 124.30 ° S 4.5 s manual 0.14 0.05
CI GSA HNE 0.07 ° 42.20 ° S 4.2 s manual 0.06 0.05
CI MIKB HNZ 0.07 ° 43.30 ° P 2.3 s manual -0.10 0.11
CI RUS HHN 0.09 ° 112.40 ° S 5.2 s manual 0.13 0.05
CI GR2 HHE 0.10 ° 288.50 ° S 4.6 s manual 0.04 0.05
CI LGB HHZ 0.11 ° 165.40 ° P 3.2 s manual -0.15 0.11
CI JPLS HHE 0.12 ° 4.10 ° S 5.3 s manual 0.12 0.05
CE 24944 HNE 10 0.15 ° 338.50 ° S 6.4 s manual 0.30 0.05
CI WNS HNZ 00 0.17 ° 280.20 ° P 3.4 s manual -0.26 0.11
CI WNS HNN 00 0.17 ° 280.20 ° S 6.0 s manual -0.24 0.05
NP 5492 HNZ 0.19 ° 308.10 ° P 4.0 s manual -0.10 0.11
CI DEC HHN 0.21 ° 323.50 ° S 7.3 s manual -0.21 0.05
CI DJJ HHZ 0.23 ° 275.20 ° P 4.5 s manual -0.09 0.11
CI DJJ HHE 0.23 ° 275.20 ° S 8.3 s manual 0.40 0.05
CI PEM BHN 0.27 ° 72.60 ° S 9.2 s manual -0.10 0.05
CI CHF HHE 0.28 ° 27.80 ° S 9.7 s manual 0.41 0.05
CI SOL2 BHE 0.36 ° 346.10 ° S 12.1 s manual -0.01 0.05
CI JNH2 HHZ 0.41 ° 27.40 ° P 7.8 s manual 0.04 0.11
CI JNH2 HHE 0.41 ° 27.40 ° S 13.4 s manual 0.16 0.05
CI SUN HHE 0.42 ° 72.80 ° S 13.8 s manual -0.02 0.05
CI SUN BHZ 0.42 ° 72.80 ° P 8.1 s manual -0.03 0.11
CI BLC HHE 0.44 ° 291.40 ° S 14.9 s manual 0.54 0.05
CI CJV2 BHN 0.44 ° 4.20 ° S 14.9 s manual 0.44 0.05
CI CHL HHZ 0.45 ° 112.80 ° P 8.9 s manual 0.25 0.11
CI LRR2 HHZ 0.46 ° 16.00 ° P 8.7 s manual 0.07 0.11
CI LRR2 HHE 0.46 ° 16.00 ° S 15.4 s manual 0.44 0.05
CI HOL HNN 0.47 ° 36.80 ° S 15.2 s manual 0.25 0.05
NP 5480 EHZ 0.65 ° 342.20 ° P 11.8 s manual -0.20 0.11
CI CCT HHE 0.67 ° 106.40 ° S 20.9 s manual -0.37 0.05
CI LMS HHZ 0.67 ° 113.50 ° P 12.3 s manual -0.07 0.11
CI LMS HHE 0.67 ° 113.50 ° S 21.1 s manual 0.02 0.05
CI CIA HHZ 0.71 ° 195.70 ° P 13.5 s manual 0.34 0.11
CI CIA HHE 0.71 ° 195.70 ° S 23.0 s manual 0.53 0.05
CI LMH HHZ 0.74 ° 117.20 ° P 13.5 s manual -0.12 0.10
CI SLM HHZ 0.42 ° 331.80 ° P 8.2 s automatic 0.21 0.11