M 1.0 - 28 km SSW of Ocotillo Wells, CA

  • 2025-03-10 14:22:15 (UTC)
  • 32.910°N 116.242°W
  • 7.6 km depth


Contributed by CI last updated 2025-03-10 14:29:12 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have been reviewed by a scientist
Phase Arrival Times
ChannelDistanceAzimuthPhaseArrival TimeStatusResidualWeight
CI ACP HHZ 0.07 ° 311.00 ° P 1.9 s automatic -0.03 0.23
CI ACP HHE 0.07 ° 311.00 ° S 3.5 s automatic 0.09 0.09
CI VLO HHZ 0.15 ° 294.00 ° P 3.3 s automatic -0.05 0.17
CI VLO HHE 0.15 ° 294.00 ° S 6.0 s automatic 0.20 0.06
CI SWP HHZ 0.17 ° 134.00 ° P 3.7 s automatic 0.07 0.23
CI SWP HHE 0.17 ° 134.00 ° S 6.6 s automatic 0.36 0.06
CI CRR HHZ 0.23 ° 95.00 ° P 4.8 s automatic -0.05 0.11
CI CRR HHE 0.23 ° 95.00 ° S 8.5 s automatic 0.42 0.06
NP 5375 HNZ 10 0.25 ° 14.00 ° P 5.2 s automatic 0.04 0.11
NP 5375 HNE 10 0.25 ° 14.00 ° S 8.8 s automatic -0.01 0.06
CI SLH HHZ 0.28 ° 358.00 ° P 5.5 s automatic -0.17 0.23
CI SLH HHE 0.28 ° 358.00 ° S 9.7 s automatic -0.07 0.06
CI IKP HHZ 0.28 ° 156.00 ° P 5.6 s automatic -0.03 0.17
CI IKP HHE 0.28 ° 156.00 ° S 9.8 s automatic 0.37 0.09
NP 5494 EHZ 10 0.29 ° 280.00 ° P 5.8 s automatic 0.07 0.17
NP 5494 HNE 10 0.29 ° 280.00 ° S 9.8 s automatic -0.08 0.06
CI CYP HHZ 0.32 ° 270.00 ° P 6.4 s automatic 0.00 0.17
CI CYP HHE 0.32 ° 270.00 ° S 10.7 s automatic -0.30 0.06
CI PLR HHZ 0.34 ° 40.00 ° P 6.7 s automatic -0.02 0.17
CI PLR HHE 0.34 ° 40.00 ° S 11.7 s automatic 0.19 0.06
CI JEM HHZ 0.34 ° 300.00 ° P 6.9 s automatic 0.22 0.06
CI JEM BHE 0.34 ° 300.00 ° S 11.9 s automatic 0.68 0.03
CI SWS HHZ 0.37 ° 84.00 ° P 7.2 s automatic -0.07 0.11
CI SWS HHE 0.37 ° 84.00 ° S 12.6 s automatic 0.21 0.06
CI YUH2 HHZ 0.38 ° 134.00 ° P 7.2 s automatic -0.03 0.23
CI YUH2 HHE 0.38 ° 134.00 ° S 12.3 s automatic 0.03 0.06
CI BOR HHZ 0.39 ° 338.00 ° P 7.2 s automatic -0.22 0.17
CI BOR HHE 0.39 ° 338.00 ° S 12.3 s automatic -0.25 0.06
CI BAR HHZ 0.43 ° 238.00 ° P 8.2 s automatic 0.00 0.17
CI BAR HHE 0.43 ° 238.00 ° S 13.7 s automatic -0.08 0.06
CI MTG HHZ 0.45 ° 311.00 ° P 8.6 s automatic 0.12 0.11
CI MTG HHE 0.45 ° 311.00 ° S 14.4 s automatic 0.01 0.06
CI RCR HHZ 0.45 ° 353.00 ° P 8.5 s automatic -0.26 0.23
CI RCR HHE 0.45 ° 353.00 ° S 14.3 s automatic -0.66 0.05
CI LYP HHZ 0.48 ° 245.00 ° P 9.0 s automatic -0.14 0.17
CI EML HHZ 0.51 ° 268.00 ° P 9.6 s automatic 0.07 0.11
CI EML HHE 0.51 ° 268.00 ° S 16.1 s automatic -0.10 0.09
AZ LVA2 HHZ 0.52 ° 329.00 ° P 9.9 s automatic 0.11 0.23
AZ LVA2 HHE 0.52 ° 329.00 ° S 16.8 s automatic 0.21 0.06
CI DZA HHZ 0.54 ° 237.00 ° P 10.2 s automatic -0.09 0.11
CI DZA HHE 0.54 ° 237.00 ° S 17.3 s automatic -0.25 0.06
CI LKH HHZ 0.54 ° 307.00 ° P 10.8 s automatic 0.55 0.17
CI LKH HHE 0.54 ° 307.00 ° S 17.9 s automatic 0.36 0.03
AZ FRD HHZ 0.66 ° 333.00 ° P 12.4 s automatic 0.16 0.17
AZ FRD HHE 0.66 ° 333.00 ° S 20.8 s automatic 0.02 0.06
CI TOR BHZ 0.66 ° 1.00 ° P 12.7 s automatic 0.36 0.11
CI PLM HHZ 0.68 ° 311.00 ° P 14.0 s automatic 1.28 0.00
CI PLM HHE 0.68 ° 311.00 ° S 22.7 s automatic 1.12 0.01
AZ SND HHZ 0.71 ° 335.00 ° P 13.7 s automatic 0.44 0.06
AZ PFO HHZ 0.72 ° 346.00 ° P 13.4 s automatic 0.09 0.17
AZ PFO HHE 0.72 ° 346.00 ° S 22.6 s automatic -0.04 0.03
CI VCP HNE 0.73 ° 297.00 ° S 23.0 s automatic -0.42 0.06
CI PMD HHZ 0.74 ° 352.00 ° P 13.8 s automatic 0.09 0.11
AZ CRY HHE 0.77 ° 328.00 ° S 24.9 s automatic 0.57 0.06
CI LUS HHZ 0.78 ° 278.00 ° P 14.3 s automatic -0.19 0.11
CI CSH HHZ 0.79 ° 339.00 ° P 14.6 s automatic -0.04 0.11
CI PALA HHZ 0.82 ° 306.00 ° P 15.8 s automatic 0.76 0.08
CI PALA HHE 0.82 ° 306.00 ° S 25.5 s automatic -0.14 0.05
CI RHR HNE 0.87 ° 297.00 ° S 27.0 s automatic -0.61 0.02
AZ RDM HHZ 0.88 ° 325.00 ° P 16.6 s automatic 0.44 0.10
AZ RDM BHE 0.88 ° 325.00 ° S 27.7 s automatic 0.03 0.05
CE 13141 HNZ 10 0.86 ° 280.00 ° P 16.8 s automatic 1.00 0.01