M 1.6 - 25 km SSW of Bodfish, CA
- 2025-02-13 11:49:37 (UTC)
- 35.386°N 118.614°W
- 4.6 km depth
- The data below are the most preferred data available
- The data below have been reviewed by a scientist
- Magnitude
uncertainty 1.63 ml ± 0.2 - Location
uncertainty 35.386°N 118.614°W ± 0.2 km- Depth
uncertainty 4.6 km ± 0.6 - Origin Time
- Number of Stations
- 34
- Number of Phases
- 63
- Minimum Distance
- 17.1 km ( 0.15° )
- Travel Time Residual
- 0.15 s
- Azimuthal Gap
- 53°
- FE Region
Loading FE region information… - Review Status
- Catalog
- CI ( ci40185490 )
- Location Source
CI - Magnitude Source
CI - Contributor