M 4.2 - 3 km SW of San Bernardino, CA

  • 2024-01-25 03:43:19 (UTC)
  • 34.112°N 117.312°W
  • 15.8 km depth

Aftershock Forecast

Contributed by US last updated 2025-01-24 03:53:30 (UTC)
  • The data below are the most preferred data available
  • The data below have NOT been reviewed by a scientist.

  • Damaging earthquakes can occur in the future, so remember to: Drop, Cover, and Hold on.
  • More earthquakes than usual (called aftershocks) will continue to occur near the mainshock. The mainshock is the largest earthquake in a sequence (a series of earthquakes related to each other).
  • When there are more earthquakes, the chance of a large earthquake is greater which means that the chance of damage is greater.
  • No one can predict the exact time or place of any earthquake, including aftershocks. Our aftershock forecasts give us an understanding of the chances of having more earthquakes within a given time period in the affected area.

USGS Aftershock Forecast: What we think will happen next

According to our forecast, there is a less than 1% chance of one or more aftershocks that are larger than magnitude 5, which can be damaging, within the next year. There will likely be smaller aftershocks within the next year, with up to 1 magnitude 3 or higher aftershocks. Magnitude 3 and higher aftershocks are large enough to be felt nearby. The number of aftershocks will decrease over time, but a large aftershock can temporarily increase the number of aftershocks.

This forecast applies to the area where the earthquake and aftershocks are already occurring.

About this earthquake and related aftershocks

At the time of this forecast, there have been 1 magnitude 3 or higher aftershocks, which are strong enough to be felt nearby, and 0 magnitude 5 or higher aftershocks, which are large enough to do damage.

Our detailed aftershock forecast

The USGS estimates the chance of more aftershocks within the next year until January 24, 2026 04:00 (UTC) as follows:

  • There is a 15% chance of magnitude 3 and above aftershocks within the next year, and it is most likely that 0 to 1 of these will occur.
  • There is a 2% chance of magnitude 4 and above aftershocks within the next year, such an earthquake is possible but with a low probability.
  • There is a 1 in 100 chance (1%) that this earthquake becomes a foreshock to a larger earthquake (magnitude 4.24 or greater) in the next year, such an earthquake is possible but with a low probability.
  • There is a 1 in 600 chance (0.2%) of magnitude 5 and above aftershocks within the next year, such an earthquake is possible but with a low probability.
  • There is a 1 in 6,000 chance (0.02%) of magnitude 6 and above aftershocks within the next year, such an earthquake is possible but with a very low probability.
  • There is a 1 in 60,000 chance (0.002%) of magnitude 7 and above aftershocks within the next year, such an earthquake is possible but with a very low probability.

About our aftershock forecasts

Our forecast changes as time passes, particularly during the first 72 hours after a mainshock. These changes happen because of three things: the usual decrease of aftershocks as time goes on, larger aftershocks that trigger more activity, and changes in forecast modeling due to ongoing data collection.

More information about how we developed our forecast models.