M 6.4 - Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence

  • 2019-07-04 17:33:49 (UTC)
  • 35.705°N 117.504°W
  • 10.5 km depth
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    Economic Alert Histogram
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    Estimated Fatalities
  • Ground Failure
    Landslide Estimate

    Little or no area affected

    Little or no population exposed

    Liquefaction Estimate

    Limited area affected

    Little or no population exposed

  • Origin
    Review Status
    6.4 mw
    10.5 km
    2019-07-04 17:33:49 UTC
  • Contributors


    Logo for California Integrated Seismic Network: Southern California Seismic Network (Caltech, USGS Pasadena, and Partners)
    California Integrated Seismic Network: Southern California Seismic Network (Caltech, USGS Pasadena, and Partners)
    Authoritative Network

Tectonic Summary

The July 4th, 2019 Mw 6.4 earthquake in eastern California, southwest of Searles Valley, occurred as the result of shallow strike slip faulting in the crust of the North America plate. Focal mechanism solutions for the earthquake indicate rupture occurred on a steeply dipping fault as the result of either right lateral slip on a plane striking NW-SE, or as left lateral slip on a plane striking SW-NE. The earthquake was located approximately 150 km northeast of San Andreas Fault - the major plate boundary in the region. At this latitude, the Pacific plate is moving to the northwest with respect to the North America plate at a rate of approximately 48 mm/yr. The location of the earthquake falls within the Eastern California shear zone, a region of distributed faulting associated with motion across the Pacific:North America plate boundary, and an area of high seismic hazard. More detailed studies will be required to precisely identify the causative fault associated with this event.

This region of eastern California has hosted numerous moderate sized earthquakes. Over the past 40 years, 8 other M5+ earthquakes have occurred within 50 km of the July 4th, 2019 earthquake. The largest of these was a M 5.8 event on September 20, 1995, about 13 km to the west-northwest of today’s event, which was felt strongly in the China Lake-Ridgecrest area, and more broadly from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. As of 1 hour after the event the July 4th, 2019 earthquake has been followed by numerous aftershocks, the largest of which was a M 4.7 earthquake 2 minutes after the M 6.4 event. Most aftershocks align in a SW-NE trend around the M 6.4 earthquake, though some also align on a NW-SE trend. The M 6.4 event was also preceded by a series of very small earthquakes (foreshocks) over the previous hour, including a M 4.0 event about 30 mins earlier.

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