M 6.4 - 89 km SW of Kaktovik, Alaska

  • 2018-08-12 14:58:53 (UTC)
  • 69.576°N 145.291°W
  • 15.8 km depth

Tectonic Summary

The August 12, 2018, M 6.4 earthquake southwest of Kaktovik, Alaska, occurred as the result of strike slip faulting in the North Slope of Alaska. Preliminary focal mechanism solutions indicate faulting occurred on a steeply dipping fault striking either north-northeast (left-lateral), or east-southeast (right-lateral). This earthquake occurred within the interior of the North America Plate, in the east-west striking Sadlerochit Mountains at the northeast end of the Brooks Range. This region is seismically active. Before this earthquake sequence, 34 magnitude 4 and larger earthquakes have been recorded within 100 km of the August 12th mainshock since 1990. The event of August 12, 2018, M 6.4 is the largest instrumentally recorded earthquake in Alaska's North Slope.

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