Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop - Day 3

Where in the World is NCEHW Today? A Blast from the Geysers
Jared Peacock, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Andrew Delorey, Tamara Jeppson, Roland Gritto
Thunder Talks
David D. Jackson, David Schaff, John Rundle, Taka'aki Taira, Frederic Schoenberg, Max Schneider, Anne Wein, Phillip John Labra/Yvette LaDuke, Elaine Young, Lauren Dent, Larry Collins, Jeff Adams
What Can the USGS Do for You?
Eleanour Snow, Steve DeLong, Gavin Hayes, Gavin Hayes
Thunder Talks
Kevin P. Furlong, Jason Patton, Claire Divola, Don Hoirup, Robert Givler, Jonathan Delph, Claire Doody, Brad Aagaard, Sean Ahdi, John Louie, Tara Nye, Annemarie Baltay, Kenneth Hudson, Miles Wagner, Chris Milliner
The Future is Soon: Northern California Updates to the NSHM and Beyond UCERF3
Alex Hatem, Fred Pollitz, Kaj Johnson, Kevin Milner, Mark Petersen
Concluding Remarks
Sarah Minson

Multiple speakers

  1. Jared Peacock, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Andrew Delorey, Tamara Jeppson, Roland Gritto
  2. David D. Jackson, David Schaff, John Rundle, Taka'aki Taira, Frederic Schoenberg, Max Schneider, Anne Wein, Phillip John Labra/Yvette LaDuke, Elaine Young, Lauren Dent, Larry Collins, Jeff Adams
  3. Eleanour Snow, Steve DeLong, Gavin Hayes, Gavin Hayes
  4. Kevin P. Furlong, Jason Patton, Claire Divola, Don Hoirup, Robert Givler, Jonathan Delph, Claire Doody, Brad Aagaard, Sean Ahdi, John Louie, Tara Nye, Annemarie Baltay, Kenneth Hudson, Miles Wagner, Chris Milliner
  5. Alex Hatem, Fred Pollitz, Kaj Johnson, Kevin Milner, Mark Petersen
  6. Sarah Minson
Date & Time
Online-only seminar via Microsoft Teams

The annual USGS Northern California Earthquake Hazards Workshop is a collaborative, multi-day meeting with the goal of better defining earthquake hazards and risk in Northern California.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

Workshop Agenda

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