On August 9th...
M7.4 - Western Turkey (Ottoman Empire), 1912
2,800 deaths. One of the world's deadliest earthquakes. Almost 25,000 houses destroyed and 15,000 damaged in over 580 towns and villages in the Murefte-Gelibolu (Gallipoli) area, leaving more than 80,000 people homeless. About 50 km (30 mi) of surface faulting with with offsets as much as 3 m (9 ft) occurred across the north end of the Gelibolu Peninsula from the Saros Gulf to the Sea of Marmara. Liquefaction was seen as far as 200 km (125 mi) from the epicenter.
M - Aleppo, Syria, 1138
230,000 deaths. One of the world's most destructive earthquakes.
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