On February 9th...
M6.6 - San Fernando, California, 1971
This earthquake lasted about 60 seconds, took 65 lives, injured more than 2,000, and caused property damage estimated at $505 million. Severe ground fracturing and landslides were responsible for extensive damage.
From Significant Earthquakes of the World 1971.M6.8 - Colombia, 1967
Ninety-eight people were killed and widespread property damage was sustained in Huila, Tolima, and Caqueta Provinces, south of Bogota. Although no tectonic scarps were reported, hundreds of landslides occurred on ths lopes of the two Cordilleras facing the Magdalena Valley. Sand blows, ejection of sand water, water fountains, oscillations of the Magdalena River, and increase and decrease of spring waters were reported on the alluvial plain of the valley. Extensive damage to property was sustained at Neiva, Campoalegre, and Pitalito, small villages in the upper Magdalena Valley.
From United States Earthquakes, 1967.
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