M 6.5 - 6 km WNW of Edgecumbe, New Zealand

  • 1987-03-02 01:42:34 (UTC)
  • 37.965°S 176.765°E
  • 19.2 km depth


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One person died from a heart attack, 25 injured and extensive damage (X) in the Edgecumbe-Kawerau-Whakatane area. Felt throughout much of North Island. Landslides and sandblows occurred. A southwest trending fault scarp 6 km. long had extension openings of up to 1 m. and as much as 1.5 m. of downthrow on the northwest side. Peak ground acceleration of 0.33 g. was recorded within 15 km. of the epicenter. Depth from broadband displacement seismograms. FAULT PLANE SOLUTION: P-Waves NP1:Strike=220 Dip=59 Slip=-158 NP2:Strike=118 Dip=71 Slip=-33 Principal Axes: (T) Plg=8 Azm=171 (P) Plg=36 Azm=76 Comment: The focal mechanism is poorly controlled and corresponds to strike-slip faulting with a large normal component. The preferred fault plane is not determined. CENTROID, MOMENT TENSOR (HRV) Data Used: GDSN, IDA L.P.B.: 10S, 27C M.W.: 10S, 23C Centroid Location: Origin Time 01:42:39.2 0.1 Lat 37.82S 0.02 Lon 177.03E 0.03 Dep 15.0 FIX Half-duration 6.8 Moment Tensor; Scale 10**18 Nm Mrr=-5.14 0.09 Mtt=2.27 0.10 Mff=2.87 0.12 Mrt=2.27 0.29 Mrf=1.72 0.31 Mtf=3.81 0.09 Principal Axes: (T) Val=7.04 Plg=13 Azm=314 (N) Val=-1.20 Plg=6 Azm=45 (P) Val=-5.84 Plg=76 Azm=158 Best Double Couple:Mo=6.4*10**18 NP1:Strike=36 Dip=32 Slip=-101 NP2:Strike=228 Dip=58 Slip=-83

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