Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps that show what people experienced and the extent of damage.
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DYFI, Past 24 Hours
- IIM 4.4 - 20 km SSE of Puerto San José, Guatemala2025-02-17 19:56:26 UTC1 responses
- IM 3.8 - 136 km NW of Barrow, Alaska2025-02-17 18:25:51 UTC1 responses
- IIIM 1.2 - 5 km NNE of San Bernardino, CA2025-02-17 13:40:11 UTC1 responses
- VIM 4.8 - 3 km S of Charneca de Caparica, Portugal2025-02-17 13:24:04 UTC529 responses
- IIIM 2.0 - 6 km NW of Point MacKenzie, Alaska2025-02-17 11:55:24 UTC1 responses
- IVM 2.7 - 5 km WSW of Assaria, Kansas2025-02-17 09:07:54 UTC2 responses
- IIIM 1.7 - 27 km N of Susitna, Alaska2025-02-17 09:00:38 UTC1 responses
- IVM 2.6 - 5 km NNE of San Bernardino, CA2025-02-17 07:01:30 UTC77 responses
- IIIM 4.7 - 3 km E of San Dionisio del Mar, Mexico2025-02-17 06:02:58 UTC5 responses
- IIM 1.8 - 15 km N of Cabazon, CA2025-02-17 05:46:52 UTC1 responses
- IIM 5.4 - 71 km S of San Juan, Peru2025-02-17 04:30:55 UTC1 responses
- IVM 4.9 - 60 km NW of Ie, Japan2025-02-17 04:04:16 UTC6 responses
- IVM 2.7 - 13 km S of Malibu Beach, CA2025-02-17 03:48:46 UTC33 responses
- VM 2.5 - 35 km NW of Millinocket, Maine2025-02-17 01:56:54 UTC4 responses
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