ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning.

ShakeMaps, Past 7 Days

  1. IVM 5.8 - 9 km E of Acajutla, El Salvador
    2025-01-09 16:31:45 UTCus6000pixh
  2. VM 4.2 - 56 km S of Whites City, New Mexico
    2025-01-09 03:52:17 UTCtx2025aoxt
  3. VIIM 5.7 - Southern Qinghai, China
    2025-01-08 07:44:22 UTCus6000pijd
  4. IM 3.5 - 87 km SE of Perryville, Alaska
    2025-01-08 02:28:31 UTCak025d9nphc
  5. IIIM 3.3 - 21 km NW of Chenega, Alaska
    2025-01-08 02:08:10 UTCak025d9jdmm
  6. IIM 5.6 - Izu Islands, Japan region
    2025-01-07 08:31:32 UTCus6000pida
  7. IXM 7.1 - 2025 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake
    2025-01-07 01:05:16 UTCus6000pi9w
  8. IIIM 3.6 - 25 km WNW of Susitna, Alaska
    2025-01-06 15:43:28 UTCak025a6euyz
  9. IIIM 3.1 - 1 km ESE of El Centro, CA
    2025-01-06 13:49:52 UTCci40834559
  10. VIM 6.2 - 50 km SSE of La Libertad, El Salvador
    2025-01-05 17:18:47 UTCus6000pi09
  11. IIIM 3.6 - 80 km N of Rachel, Nevada
    2025-01-05 07:54:43 UTCnn00891410
  12. VIIIM 5.7 - 54 km N of Āwash, Ethiopia
    2025-01-04 00:52:21 UTCus6000phrk
  13. VIIIM 5.5 - 44 km NE of Āwash, Ethiopia
    2025-01-03 17:01:45 UTCus6000phnz
  14. IIM 4.2 - 67 km S of Adak, Alaska
    2025-01-03 05:42:19 UTCus6000phdp
  15. IIIM 5.5 - South Sandwich Islands region
    2025-01-03 02:33:20 UTCus6000phce
  16. IVM 5.4 - 62 km NW of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
    2025-01-03 01:47:28 UTCus6000phc9
  17. VM 6.1 - 84 km NNW of Calama, Chile
    2025-01-02 20:43:35 UTCus6000phap

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