ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning.

ShakeMaps, Past 7 Days

  1. IVM 3.5 - 32 km ENE of Boron, CA
    2025-01-23 05:27:56 UTCci41033904
  2. VIM 5.4 - 9 km WSW of Siocon, Philippines
    2025-01-23 03:41:09 UTCus6000plrc
  3. VIIM 5.7 - 7 km ESE of Liloan, Philippines
    2025-01-22 23:39:46 UTCus6000plql
  4. IIM 3.8 - 62 km S of Adak, Alaska
    2025-01-22 13:53:44 UTCak02510lvq3c
  5. VM 4.9 - 32 km SSW of Adak, Alaska
    2025-01-22 13:26:09 UTCus6000plkr
  6. IIM 4.4 - 125 km S of Unalaska, Alaska
    2025-01-21 17:58:06 UTCus6000plh3
  7. IIIM 5.0 - 133 km S of Unalaska, Alaska
    2025-01-21 11:55:04 UTCus6000plew
  8. IVM 5.5 - 82 km NW of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
    2025-01-21 11:15:30 UTCus6000plel
  9. IIIM 3.5 - 26 km SSE of Boulder Town, Utah
    2025-01-21 10:44:47 UTCuu80099906
  10. IM 5.5 - southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
    2025-01-21 06:05:14 UTCus6000pldh
  11. VM 5.5 - 29 km WNW of Agat Village, Guam
    2025-01-21 05:47:51 UTCus6000pldf
  12. IIIM 2.9 - 3 km S of Mentone, CA
    2025-01-21 02:09:53 UTCci40844079
  13. IIIM 2.8 - 8 km ENE of Fall City, Washington
    2025-01-21 01:03:24 UTCuw62071451
  14. IVM 3.5 - 9 km NE of Snoqualmie, Washington
    2025-01-20 21:35:14 UTCuw62071396
  15. VIIIM 6.0 - 12 km N of Yujing, Taiwan
    2025-01-20 16:17:26 UTCus6000pl8h
  16. IVM 5.4 - 0 km ENE of Binubusan, Philippines
    2025-01-20 10:43:02 UTCus6000pl78
  17. IVM 5.6 - 67 km S of Lata, Solomon Islands
    2025-01-20 08:38:43 UTCus6000pl6q
  18. IIIM 3.3 - 19 km W of Petrolia, CA
    2025-01-19 12:36:54 UTCnc75119661
  19. IIM 4.7 - 125 km SSW of Nikolski, Alaska
    2025-01-18 23:11:53 UTCus6000pl08
  20. IVM 3.5 - 2 km SSW of Mooringsport, Louisiana
    2025-01-18 20:12:00 UTCus6000pkzk
  21. IVM 3.7 - 13 km ESE of Hawthorne, Nevada
    2025-01-18 10:20:06 UTCnn00892165
  22. IVM 3.4 - 66 km SSW of Whites City, New Mexico
    2025-01-17 23:36:52 UTCtx2025bfau
  23. IM 4.0 - 171 km SE of Chignik, Alaska
    2025-01-17 12:37:56 UTCak025sbi5dp
  24. IIIM 3.2 - 9 km N of Willow, Alaska
    2025-01-17 01:09:30 UTCak025s4sbq1
  25. IVM 4.1 - 40 km NW of Valdez, Alaska
    2025-01-16 23:24:12 UTCak025qufoy6
  26. IM 3.5 - 112 km SSE of False Pass, Alaska
    2025-01-16 08:37:09 UTCak025qlkyyd

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