PSHA Deaggregation. % Contributions. Site: Pago_Pago long: 170.710 d W., lat: -14.300 N. Input Vs30 (m/s) = 760.0 (Some atten. models use Site Class not Vs30). NSHMP Samoa/New Hebrides Seismic Hazard. Analysis on YEARMODA 20120821 Mean Return Period: 2475 years. 1.00 s. PSA =0.12854 g. Weight * Computed_Rate_Ex 0.404E-03 #Pr[at least one eq with median motion>=PSA in 50 yrs]=0.00259 #This deaggregation corresponds to Mean Hazard w/all GMPEs DIST(km) MAG(Mw) ALL_EPS EPSILON>2 110% contribution) Source Category: % contr. R(km) M epsilon0 (mean values). Subduction Tonga Trench 32.52 264.4 8.41 1.58 Shallow Background Eqs 37.74 33.3 6.64 0.80 Tonga Outer Rise 29.15 72.1 7.31 0.85 #*********End of deaggregation corresponding to Mean Hazard w/all GMPEs *********#