The Farm, Brule, WI, USA
N4 E38A commences operations on: 2013,330
Host | – |
Network | N4 |
Latitude | 46.6058 |
Longitude | -91.554 |
Elevation | 341 |
Datalogger | Q330 |
Broadband | Pending |
Accelerometer | Pending |
Telemetry Status at the NEIC | Pending |
N4 E38A commences operations on: 2013,330
Host | – |
Network | N4 |
Latitude | 46.6058 |
Longitude | -91.554 |
Elevation | 341 |
Datalogger | Q330 |
Broadband | Pending |
Accelerometer | Pending |
Telemetry Status at the NEIC | Pending |