Shot coordinates and origin times: Hole/Ryberg shots and USGS off-line shots
Final shot data for the in-line Hole/Ryberg shots and the off-line 200-210 lb shots in comma-separated format, including time, location, and size.
The following comments are from John Hole, who provided these data:
- Please note that exact shot sizes and depths are still awaiting driller logs, but the nominal numbers should be fine for most purposes. Also note these number are in pounds and feet. The file will be updated when these data are available.
- In obtaining these origin times, a Reftek was used to record a spare shooting box's shot trigger, which was sync'ed to the actual shooting box by using identical radio systems. Trond Ryberg picked these shot times.
- A master clock was recorded on an auxiliary trace of our recording system. Arvind Sharma (my student) picked these to obtain shot times. The shooting-box delay was recorded on another auxiliary channel and de-coded.
- The above two methods were consistent to one sample (2 ms), and provide absolute UT seconds and milliseconds for 64 shots.
- 3 shots do not have seconds because the Reftek was turned off, but the milliseconds are correct and the seconds are probably correct (within 1).
- 1 shot has no good timing as it was found and fired during system pickup.