Historic Earthquakes
24 matching links found
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire — An interactive online exhibit of information, maps, images, and personal accounts from the 1906 earthquake and fire. (Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley)
- Coquimbo, Chile M8.3 Educational Slides — Educational slides for the M8.3 Coquimbo, Chile M8.3 earthquake. (USGS)
- Earthquake "Top 10" Lists — Deadly earthquakes, damaging EQs, EQ density maps, world and US statistics, historical EQ lists, largest EQ lists, last EQ in..., significant EQ catalogs, seismicity maps of the world and US. (USGS)
- Earthquakes 101 "Slideshow" (PDF) — PDF format of a complete PowerPoint show for the basics (USGS)
- Earthquakes by Bruce A. Bolt Online Companion — links related to subjects covered in book (W.H. Freeman & Co.)
- Faultline:Seismic Science at the Epicenter — lots of resources, information, activities and graphics concerning earthquakes in California (Exploratorium)
- Ground Shaking Simulations — Simulations (videos) from computer models of earthquakes showing the resulting ground shaking. (USGS)
- Historical Earthquake Theories — collection of historical earthquake theories and myths (Univ. of Vienna)
- Living On Shaky Ground: How to Survive Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Northern California — A collection of preparedness guides for earthquakes and tsunamis especially for the Northern Coast of California (Humboldt State Univ, Dept of Geology)
- New Madrid Seismic Zone — A collection of information about the region, the historical seismicity, and the hazards. (USGS)
- Preserving Historic Earthquake Records and Photos of the Instruments that Recorded Them — A project to scan a small selection of the film chips of historical earthquake recordings to digital files was started in 1996. In addition to archiving historic data from the early years, the USGS has also worked to archive photos and descriptions of early seismometers. (USGS)
- San Andreas Fault, The — overview of the San Andreas Fault, online USGS general interest publication (USGS)
- SCEC Communication, Education and Outreach — Many excellent resources for Public Education and Preparedness, K-14 Earthquake Education, and Experiential Learning and Career Advancement. Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country downloadable booklets for learning about earthquake hazards and safety recommendations in many different languages and for many different areas of the United States. (Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC))
- Seismicity of the Earth 1900?2018 Map/Poster — Poster-sized map illustrating 119 years of global seismicity in the context of global plate tectonics and the Earth?s physiography. Primarily designed for use by earth scientists, engineers, and educators, this map provides a comprehensive overview of strong (magnitude [M] 5.5 and larger) earthquakes since 1900. (USGS)
- The "Snow Plow Theory" of Early-Arriving Tsunamis — What is a splay fault, and how can they affect tsunamis? (USGS)
- The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 — An historial perspective from a history professor. (Univ. of Hong Kong)
- The HayWired Scenario: An Urban Earthquake in a Connected World — An ArcGIS geo-narrative storymap with compelling images showing the effects and consequences possible in the next large earthquake on the Hayward Fault in the San Francisco Bay Area. (USGS)
- The Parkfield, California Earthquake Experiment — Information about past earthquakes and current monitoring efforts. (USGS)
- The Wave that Shook the World — Online companion to the NOVA broadcast with excellent animations, Q&anmp;A, images, and lesson plans for teachers. (PBS-NOVA)
- Today in Earthquake History — what happened today in earthquake history (USGS)
- Tohoku, Japan 2011 M9.0 Educational Slides — Educational slides for the 2011 Tohoku,Japan M9.0 Earthquake. (USGS)
- Understanding Earthquakes — Brief history of seismology to 1910, earthquake and plate tectonic quizzes, earthquake accounts by famous people, elastic rebound animation, and links to addition resources. (UC Santa Barbara)
- Understanding Quakes — description, photos, and graphics of earthquake basics and effects of earthquakes in Turkey (The Why Files)
- Volcanic and seismic hazards on the Island of Hawaii — summary of earthquake hazards in Hawaii (USGS)