Earthquake Facts
11 matching links found
- Animals & Earthquake Prediction — Can animals predict earthquakes? Can they sense shaking that humans can't. What are the facts about animals and earthquakes? (USGS)
- Cool Earthquake Facts — fascinating earthquake facts (USGS)
- Earthquake "Top 10" Lists — Deadly earthquakes, damaging EQs, EQ density maps, world and US statistics, historical EQ lists, largest EQ lists, last EQ in..., significant EQ catalogs, seismicity maps of the world and US. (USGS)
- Earthquake Facts & Earthquake Fantasy — Companion to "Earthquakes, Megaquakes, and the Movies" (USGS)
- Earthquakes, MegaQuakes, and the Movies — discussion about facts versus fantasies (USGS)
- Echando Raices en Tierra de Terremotos — Este manual provee información sobre por qué nos deben preocupar los terremotos en el Sur de California, qué debemos hacer para estar seguros y reducir el daño, y también qué debemos saber de lo básico sobre terremotos. (USGS & many other organizations)
- IRIS Education Resources — A multitude of educational resources for earthquake science, from visualizations and animations, to lessons and educational software. Awesome! (IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology)
- Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country — Earthquakes and preparedeness for everyone in California (regional booklets available), Utah, Central U.S., Nevada, Oregon, and Alaska (USGS)
- Shake, Rattle, and Slide — Lessons, activities, and slide shows about earthquakes, volcanoes, and glaciers. (University of Illinois Extension)
- Sonic Booms — How Can You Tell the Difference Between a Sonic Boom and an Earthquake on a Seismogram? Some Interesting Facts About Sonic Booms. (USGS)
- Today in Earthquake History — what happened today in earthquake history (USGS)