Effects, Earthquake

40 matching links found
  • 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire — An interactive online exhibit of information, maps, images, and personal accounts from the 1906 earthquake and fire. (Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley)
  • ABAG Earthquake Maps and Information — Information and maps about liquefaction, faults, and landslides in the San Francisco Bay Area. (Assoc. of Bay Area Govts. (ABAG))
  • Can It Happen Here? — Could a large damaging tsunami happen in the United States? (USGS)
  • Catalog of Earthquake-Related Sounds — This collection of 21 earthquake-related sounds, prepared by Karl V. Steinbrugge, was originally published in BSSA vol. 64, no. 5 in 1974 and updated with eight additional sounds in 1985. You can listen to individual sounds below by clicking the play button in the audio player next to the recording number, or you can download a Zip file containing MP3 audio files of all the sounds. Most of recorded on the inside of different buildings but some are from outside. (Compiled by Karl V. Steinbrugge) (Seismological Society of America (SSA))
  • Chile M7.0 January 12, 2010 and M8.8 February 27, 2010 Educational Slides — Details on the rupture of the two earthquakes, the shaking distribution, aftershock zone, estimated fatality numbers, and comparisons between the two. (USGS)
  • Earth Science Education Activities — a wealth of excellent hands-on activities for teaching about earthquakes, volcanoes, seismic waves, plate tectonics, earth structure, seismic waves, convection, seismometers and more! (Purdue Univ.)
  • Earthquake Booms, Seneca Guns, and Other Sounds — An examination of strange and unexplained sounds that are sometimes heard accompanying earthquakes. (USGS)
  • Earthquake Facts & Earthquake Fantasy — Companion to "Earthquakes, Megaquakes, and the Movies" (USGS)
  • Earthquake Footage — Videos from webcams, security cameras, and newsreels during the shaking from various earthquakes. (American Geophysical Union)
  • Earthquake Science Explained — A series of short articles for students, teachers, and parents originally published as weekly features in The San Francisco Chronicle. This USGS General Information Product presents some of the new understanding gained and scientific advances made in the century since the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. (USGS)
  • Earthquakes — general overview of earthquakes, online USGS general interest publication (USGS)
  • Earthquakes 101 "Slideshow" (PDF) — PDF format of a complete PowerPoint show for the basics (USGS)
  • Earthquakes, MegaQuakes, and the Movies — discussion about facts versus fantasies (USGS)
  • Echando Raices en Tierra de Terremotos — Este manual provee información sobre por qué nos deben preocupar los terremotos en el Sur de California, qué debemos hacer para estar seguros y reducir el daño, y también qué debemos saber de lo básico sobre terremotos. (USGS & many other organizations)
  • Groundwater Effects from Earthquakes — A description of the potential effects of earthquakes on groundwater and wells. (USGS)
  • Hazards 101, Earthquake — The basics of how the USGS National Earthquake Hazard Maps are made. (USGS)
  • InsideDisaster - The Haiti Earthquake — wholistic view of the effects and response to the Haiti earthquake, both scientific and societal (PTV Productions)
  • Intermountain West, U.S., 2020 Earthquakes — An interactive geonarrative (Esri story map) about the four Intermountain West earthquakes. Learn more about these quakes and the historic earthquakes in this part of the western U.S. This immersive experience (best viewed on a computer) includes maps, photos from the field and links to journal papers, earthquake event pages, data and more. (USGS)
  • IRIS Education Resources — A multitude of educational resources for earthquake science, from visualizations and animations, to lessons and educational software. Awesome! (IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology)
  • Liquefaction and Sea-Level Rise — An ArcGIS geonarrative storymap explaining the impacts of sea-level rise on liquefaction severity around the San Francisco Bay Area, California for the magnitude 7.0 ?HayWired? earthquake scenario along the Hayward Fault. (USGS)
  • Living in Earthquake Country: A Teaching Box — 7 lessons with the goal of teaching students about how and why earthquakes cause damage. Explores seismic waves, the ability of scientists to predict the likelihood and severity of earthquakes at specific locations, the difference between magnitude and intensity, the occurrence of earthquakes along patches of planar faults, and the potential damage caused by earthquakes such as landslides, liquefaction, or structural failure. (DLESE)
  • M7.8 Nepal Earthquake, 2015 - A Small Push to Mt. Everest — A large shallow earthquake moves Mt. Everest 3 cm southwest. (USGS)
  • Nepal Earthquake Sequence Educational Slides — (17MB PDF) (USGS)
  • ParsQuake — Earthquake education in the global Persian community. (ParsQuake.org)
  • Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country — Earthquakes and preparedeness for everyone in California (regional booklets available), Utah, Central U.S., Nevada, Oregon, and Alaska (USGS)
  • Shake, Rattle, and Slide — Lessons, activities, and slide shows about earthquakes, volcanoes, and glaciers. (University of Illinois Extension)
  • Shaking in the Atwood Building in Anchorage, Alaska — This video presents a visualization of how the Atwood Building in Anchorage, Alaska, shook during the M7.1 January 24, 2016, Iniskin, Alaska, earthquake. The building was instrumented by U.S. Geological Survey to obtain data to study its behavior and performance during strong shaking. Such data is useful to make decisions for improving the building's performance. (USGS)
  • Shaking of Frontier Building - Anchorage, Alaska, During Mw7.1 Earthquake, January 24, 2016 — This video presents a visualization of shaking that was recorded in the Frontier Building in Anchorage, Alaska, during the Mw7.1 earthquake, January 24, 2016, Iniskin, Alaska. (USGS)
  • Staying Safe Where the Earth Shakes — A booklet that includes the "The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety" - basic guidelines for what to do before, during, and after a damaging earthquake. (USGS)
  • The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 — An historial perspective from a history professor. (Univ. of Hong Kong)
  • The HayWired Scenario: An Urban Earthquake in a Connected World — An ArcGIS geo-narrative storymap with compelling images showing the effects and consequences possible in the next large earthquake on the Hayward Fault in the San Francisco Bay Area. (USGS)
  • The Wave that Shook the World — Online companion to the NOVA broadcast with excellent animations, Q&anmp;A, images, and lesson plans for teachers. (PBS-NOVA)
  • Tohoku, Japan 2011 M9.0 Educational Slides — Educational slides for the 2011 Tohoku,Japan M9.0 Earthquake. (USGS)
  • Tsunamis — short news piece with images (The Why Files)
  • Understanding Quakes — description, photos, and graphics of earthquake basics and effects of earthquakes in Turkey (The Why Files)
  • UPSeis Seismology Questions Answered — magnitudes, research, locations, seismic waves, and all the basics explained, as well as preparedness and hazards (UPSeis, Univ. of Michigan)
  • Volcanic and seismic hazards on the Island of Hawaii — summary of earthquake hazards in Hawaii (USGS)
  • Washington DC Stone and Brick Buildings Vulnerable to Distant Quakes — Science for Everyone article (USGS)
  • Watch Buildings Move During Earthquakes — Real videos of buildings shaking during real earthquakes, and some re-creations. (American Geophysical Union (AGU))
  • What to Expect in a Big Urban Earthquake — An ArcGIS geo-narrative storymap that describes what can be expected if there is a large earthquake in a populated urban area. (USGS)