Realtime monitoring, station, and other various seismic data available for download. Access to data products to view and download.
Information on these Data Collections
Information on these Data Collections
The data collections below are data releases associated with research publications by USGS authors. The data listed on the webpage accessed by the button link on the right are not associated with any specific publications. They are instead bodies of data associated with various earthquake monitoring systems.
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High-resolution active-source seismic data acquired near strong-motion recording stations (NSMP 1849 and NSMP 1870) at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California
On August 24, 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a high-resolution seismic survey between two strong-motion recording stations located at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in the City of Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California. The stations are National Strong Motion Project Station (NSMP) 1849 in VAMC building 332 and NSMP Station 1870 in VAMC building 334. The primary...
Nodal Seismometer Recordings of Aftershocks of the 5 December 2024 M 7.0 Offshore Cape Mendocino, California Earthquake
At 10:44:21 local time on December 5, 2024, a M 7.0 earthquake occurred approximately 70 km southwest of Ferndale, California, just west of the Mendocino Triple Junction. Starting the next day, the U.S. Geological Survey deployed nodal seismometers (nodes) in the Eel River Valley, near Cape Mendocino, and along the California Highway 101 corridor to compliment local permanent stations of...
Site characterization of National Strong Motion Program earthquake monitoring stations across Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Kern, and Imperial Counties: with emphasis on geophysical survey of the El Centro Array
Site characterization, with the goal of measuring VS30, was performed at 27 strong motion stations across Central and Southern California. These stations, belonging to the National Strong Motion Program, spanned four counties and varied geophysical environments. Primarily employed were the Simplified Site Characterization Methods (SSCM) as an efficient yet robust method for measuring...
Application of Simplified Site Characterization Method (SSCM) active- and passive-source surveys at 39 sites across California
The Simplified Site Characterization Method (SSCM) was employed to obtain VS30 data at 39 sites across California. These geophysical surveys utilized both active- and passive-source methods wherever site conditions allowed. Primary focus was on characterization of seismic stations. Major regions surveyed include the San Francisco Bay Area, Anza Valley, Imperial Valley, Los Angeles, and...
Correlation-derived seismic phase arrival times from matched-filter studies of Yellowstone (Wyoming) 2017, Kilauea volcano (Hawaii) 2018, and Ridgecrest (California) 2019: A dataset for developing phase-picking neural networks
This dataset contains correlation-derived seismic phase arrival times from three different studies: 1. Maple Creek Earthquake Swarm, Yellowstone, Wyoming, June 11 to September 6, 2017: Shelly, D. R., & J. L. Hardebeck (2019). Illuminating faulting complexity of the 2017 Yellowstone Maple Creek earthquake swarm. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2544– 2552.
2022-2023 Arcata, California, Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiment: 2022 M6.4 Ferndale Aftershock Sequence
These data are from a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) experiment in Arcata, CA, that was conducted jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey, Cal Poly Humboldt University, and Luna Inc. A Luna QuantX DAS interrogator was installed in the Arcata Police Station and connected to a fiber owned by Vero Communications that runs from Arcata to Eureka (Figure 1). The interrogator was installed on...
Field Survey Results of Damage and Ground Shaking Intensity in Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino Counties Following the 2022 Mw 6.4 Ferndale Earthquake
This data release provides supplementary information supporting our study on seismic intensities, ground motions, and basin amplification during the Mw 6.4 Ferndale, California earthquake of December 20th, 2022. A field survey was conducted between January 9-12 and March 6-9 in 2023 to assess the damage and shaking intensity experienced across the affected areas. During this survey, 17...
Field evidence noted in 2008 to 2023 that pertains to sea floods of the past millennium on Anegada, British Virgin Islands
This release provides inventories of georeferenced evidence pertaining to extreme waves on Anegada, a low Caribbean island perched south of the Puerto Rico Trench: CORAL BOULDERS AND COBBLES -- Derived offshore, found inland. Boulder star coral Orbicella franksii (37 localities), brain coral Pseudodiploria strigosa (171), elkhorn coral Acropora palmata (36), mustard hill coral Porites...
Landslide Headscarps in Marine Terraces along the Pacific Coast of Washington and Oregon
We present a set of 617 landslide headscarps along marine terraces in Oregon and Washington State. Headscarps (as polyline features) were mapped from
Coseismic landslide runout and mobility ratio data from publicly available mapped landslide inventories
Earthquake-triggered landslides can significantly contribute to human and economic losses during and immediately following earthquakes, but data on the runout behavior of such ground failures is limited. Hazard assessment of coseismic landslide risk can vary dramatically depending on landslide mobility and runout extent, which makes modeling of such behavior imperative. Predictive and...
Precariously balanced rock data from northern New York and Vermont, USA
This work describes observations of boulders and their pedestals at five sites in New York and Vermont, which are used to calculate scaling factors for the 2023 time-independent National Seismic Hazard Model site-specific hazard curves (Petersen, M.D., Shumway, A.M., Powers, P.M., Field, E.H., Moschetti, M.P., Jaiswal, K.S., Milner, K.R., Rezaeian, S., Frankel, A.D., Llenos, A.L. and...
Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for an Earthquake “Doublet” on the Newport-Inglewood and Palos Verdes Faults
The occurrence and impact of the February 2023 earthquake doublet in Türkiye, where an Mw 7.8 event was followed roughly 9 hours later by an Mw 7.5 event on an adjacent fault, begs the question: What would be the impact of such a sequence in California? As part of the effort to address this question, this Data Release consists of simulated ground motions for a hypothetical doublet...