WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US 00:00:02.320 --> 00:00:05.760 Thank you very much to the organizers for inviting me to give this talk. 00:00:05.760 --> 00:00:08.720 Today I’m going to be speaking about ground shaking and hazards from 00:00:08.720 --> 00:00:12.640 Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes with a focus on northern California. 00:00:12.640 --> 00:00:15.520 And I just want to acknowledge my collaborators Alex Grant, 00:00:15.520 --> 00:00:18.447 Art Frankel, and Nasser Marafi. 00:00:19.360 --> 00:00:22.560 Subduction zones are hosts to the world’s largest earthquakes, 00:00:22.560 --> 00:00:25.440 and in addition to ground shaking, they also produce devastating 00:00:25.440 --> 00:00:27.280 tsunamis and ground failures. 00:00:27.280 --> 00:00:31.600 This is a map of recorded and well-constrained historical earthquakes 00:00:31.600 --> 00:00:36.080 with magnitudes greater then 8.5, and the colors indicate the tsunami 00:00:36.080 --> 00:00:41.096 maximum water height, which you can see, in some cases, exceeds 30 meters. 00:00:41.120 --> 00:00:44.400 Now, in Cascadia, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath North 00:00:44.400 --> 00:00:48.560 America, we haven’t experienced a large megathrust earthquake in recent history. 00:00:48.560 --> 00:00:51.120 We know from a variety of paleoseismic evidence 00:00:51.120 --> 00:00:53.440 that the subduction zone is capable of generating 00:00:53.440 --> 00:00:56.936 magnitude 8 to 9 earthquakes. 00:00:56.960 --> 00:01:00.000 So this is a figure from Walton and Staisch and others highlighting the 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:04.720 multitude of paleoseismic evidence at sites, both onshore and offshore, 00:01:04.720 --> 00:01:09.520 for Cascadia megathrust earthquakes. It’s a bit hard to see, but these horizontal 00:01:09.520 --> 00:01:14.240 bars represent turbidite age ranges, and the downward arrows and waves 00:01:14.240 --> 00:01:18.056 are dated estimates of coastal subsidence and tsunami inundation 00:01:18.080 --> 00:01:21.760 at corresponding sites. And thus, these vertical gray bars 00:01:21.760 --> 00:01:27.176 here are interpreted as ages of previous Cascadia earthquakes. 00:01:27.200 --> 00:01:31.200 So, for margin-wide magnitude 9 ruptures, such as shown in this figure, 00:01:31.200 --> 00:01:34.560 the paleoseismic record suggests a recurrence interval of roughly 00:01:34.560 --> 00:01:37.656 every 500 to 530 years. 00:01:37.680 --> 00:01:41.600 Now, for shorter partial-margin ruptures on the order of magnitude 8, 00:01:41.600 --> 00:01:44.960 paleoseismic evidence suggests that the ruptures may be more frequent 00:01:44.960 --> 00:01:50.001 and closer to about 300 years or so in southern Cascadia. 00:01:50.800 --> 00:01:54.160 So I’m sure many of you have heard me talk about the M9 Project, and the work 00:01:54.160 --> 00:01:57.760 I’m going to show you today is an extension of those simulations. 00:01:57.760 --> 00:02:02.160 So, just as a reminder, as part of the M9 Project, we ran 3D kinematic 00:02:02.160 --> 00:02:06.960 simulations of 50 M9 Cascadia earthquake scenarios using a compound 00:02:06.960 --> 00:02:10.560 rupture model where low-frequency energy comes from the steep 00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:14.560 background slip, and high-frequency energy is radiated from distinct 00:02:14.560 --> 00:02:18.136 sub-events on the deeper portions of the fault. 00:02:18.160 --> 00:02:20.960 So these 3D simulations are run up to 1 hertz. 00:02:20.960 --> 00:02:24.640 And, for higher frequencies, we used a stochastic approach and assumed that 00:02:24.640 --> 00:02:29.269 the high frequencies are coming from these high-stress drop sub-events. 00:02:30.080 --> 00:02:34.400 Now, 30 of those earthquake scenarios were derived from a logic tree that 00:02:34.400 --> 00:02:38.240 varied multiple parameters. So we varied the down-dip rupture 00:02:38.240 --> 00:02:42.560 extent, so whether it was completely offshore, kind of brushing the coastline, 00:02:42.560 --> 00:02:45.440 or if the down-dip rupture limit extended eastward beneath the 00:02:45.440 --> 00:02:49.760 coastline. We varied the hypocenter location, the slip distribution was 00:02:49.760 --> 00:02:52.880 randomly generated, and we also varied the locations 00:02:52.880 --> 00:02:56.010 of those high-stress drop sub-events. 00:02:56.400 --> 00:02:59.680 So last year, we expanded upon the M9 Project simulations and 00:02:59.680 --> 00:03:04.376 used them to develop what we refer to as ensemble ShakeMaps. 00:03:04.400 --> 00:03:08.560 So, for each of the 30 M9 Cascadia earthquake scenarios that were derived 00:03:08.560 --> 00:03:12.160 from that logic tree, we developed a single-scenario ShakeMap, 00:03:12.160 --> 00:03:15.360 and then we combined those to make a median ensemble ShakeMap, 00:03:15.360 --> 00:03:20.216 as well as plus or minus 1 or 2 sigma ensemble ShakeMaps. 00:03:20.240 --> 00:03:23.200 So these ensemble ShakeMaps have a few important differences from 00:03:23.200 --> 00:03:26.800 traditional scenario ShakeMaps. They include additional epistemic 00:03:26.800 --> 00:03:30.160 uncertainty, such as considering different down-dip rupture limits, 00:03:30.160 --> 00:03:33.896 while in a traditional single ShakeMap, you’d assume a single fault plane. 00:03:33.920 --> 00:03:37.120 In addition, because our ensemble ShakeMaps are based on a 3D – 00:03:37.120 --> 00:03:40.960 on 3D numerical simulations, that means that, for periods greater than 00:03:40.960 --> 00:03:44.720 1 second, we should be able to better capture regionally specific 00:03:44.720 --> 00:03:48.080 3D wave propagation effects that might not be well-represented 00:03:48.080 --> 00:03:52.080 in ground motion models. So a good example of this is in the 00:03:52.080 --> 00:03:56.160 Seattle Basin where we know that simulated ground motions do a better 00:03:56.160 --> 00:04:01.496 job of matching observational data compared to ground motion models. 00:04:01.520 --> 00:04:04.720 Since I know everyone here is interested in California, I do want to point out 00:04:04.720 --> 00:04:07.920 something important about the extent of these ShakeMaps. 00:04:07.920 --> 00:04:12.080 So the M9 Project 3D earthquake simulations only covered the extent 00:04:12.080 --> 00:04:16.400 that is shown in this green box here. Our original intent was not to expand 00:04:16.400 --> 00:04:19.040 the ShakeMaps to a larger geographical extent. 00:04:19.040 --> 00:04:22.720 But, towards the end of our project, the state agencies and FEMA partners 00:04:22.720 --> 00:04:27.200 that we were working with requested this larger extent shown in the blue box 00:04:27.200 --> 00:04:31.520 here in order to facilitate state- and margin-wide risk analyses. 00:04:31.520 --> 00:04:34.448 [dog barking briefly] 00:04:36.080 --> 00:04:39.680 So, to do this, we extended the simulated ground motions at the 00:04:39.680 --> 00:04:44.000 edges of our model box – again, shown in green, using a fall-off rate 00:04:44.000 --> 00:04:48.720 that was – a fall-off rate with distance that was derived from the subduction 00:04:48.720 --> 00:04:53.200 zone ground motion models used in the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Maps. 00:04:53.200 --> 00:04:56.800 So we know that areas outside of this green box don’t have any 00:04:56.800 --> 00:05:00.080 local 3D wave propagation effects included, and that is 00:05:00.080 --> 00:05:03.656 an obvious place for future improvement. 00:05:03.680 --> 00:05:07.440 So, to make these ensemble ShakeMaps, we had to apply some site corrections. 00:05:07.440 --> 00:05:11.360 So the original M9 Cascadia simulations did not include site effects. 00:05:11.360 --> 00:05:14.880 So Vs30 in the Puget Lowland was about 600 meters per second. 00:05:14.880 --> 00:05:18.616 Vs30 elsewhere was about 800 meters per second. 00:05:18.640 --> 00:05:22.000 So, to model site response, my collaborator, Alex Grant, 00:05:22.000 --> 00:05:26.960 took 580 Pacific Northwest shear wave velocity profiles that were collected 00:05:26.960 --> 00:05:30.240 by Sean Ahdi and others for the NGA subduction project. 00:05:30.240 --> 00:05:33.760 We did remove the profiles from the Fraser Delta, which were very deep 00:05:33.760 --> 00:05:37.040 and didn’t capture the shallow velocity gradients that we were interested in 00:05:37.040 --> 00:05:41.680 for the broader Pacific Northwest. So, using the Ahdi et al. data set, 00:05:41.680 --> 00:05:44.800 Alex then solved for shear wave velocity as a function of depth 00:05:44.800 --> 00:05:49.496 and Vs30 for all of the shallow profiles across the Pacific Northwest. 00:05:49.520 --> 00:05:51.760 Some examples of this are shown in this figure. 00:05:51.760 --> 00:05:57.120 So, for example, for Vs30s between 120 and 160 meters per second, 00:05:57.120 --> 00:06:00.856 the Ahdi et al. profiles are shown in gray. 00:06:00.880 --> 00:06:03.440 The median of those profiles are shown in black. 00:06:03.440 --> 00:06:08.320 And our Pacific Northwest model, based on this equation, is shown in blue. 00:06:08.320 --> 00:06:11.840 So you can see that our model, the blue line, is doing a good job 00:06:11.840 --> 00:06:15.976 of tracking the median across a range of Vs30s. 00:06:16.000 --> 00:06:18.800 An equivalent model that was developed by Shi and Asimaki 00:06:18.800 --> 00:06:22.776 using data from central and southern California is shown in red. 00:06:22.800 --> 00:06:25.040 And you can see that there’s a clear regional difference. 00:06:25.040 --> 00:06:28.320 And this is what motivated us to do this analysis ourselves through the Pacific 00:06:28.320 --> 00:06:34.000 Northwest instead of just borrowing from the existing work in California. 00:06:34.000 --> 00:06:37.440 So, to estimate site response, we computed amplification factors 00:06:37.440 --> 00:06:41.920 using equivalent linear analysis and PI SRA and running 30 examples 00:06:41.920 --> 00:06:45.816 for every input PGA-Vs30 pair in our sample space. 00:06:45.840 --> 00:06:49.920 So the resulting amplification or de-amplification for all combinations 00:06:49.920 --> 00:06:54.280 is shown here. So, for example, you can see that, for a site with Vs30 00:06:54.280 --> 00:06:58.160 around 400 meters per second, the ground motions are typically 00:06:58.160 --> 00:07:03.336 amplified over the original M9 Project ground motions. 00:07:03.360 --> 00:07:07.920 And sites with very low Vs30, so less than 200 meters per second, 00:07:07.920 --> 00:07:12.820 often de-amplify due to nonlinear site behavior. 00:07:13.840 --> 00:07:17.920 So, once we’ve extended the model region and applied the site corrections, 00:07:17.920 --> 00:07:22.320 this is the resulting median ensemble ShakeMap based on our 30 M9 00:07:22.320 --> 00:07:26.400 Cascadia earthquake scenarios. So, in general, we note shaking 00:07:26.400 --> 00:07:31.120 intensity levels around MMI 8, so severe shaking for coastal areas, 00:07:31.120 --> 00:07:36.400 including in northern coastal California. This decreases to MMI 6 or 7 – 00:07:36.400 --> 00:07:41.840 so strong or very strong shaking around the inland I-5 corridor, and to MMI 4 00:07:41.840 --> 00:07:48.752 or 5 in eastern California, and around MMI 4 in the Bay Area. 00:07:50.080 --> 00:07:53.040 As I mentioned earlier, we also developed ensemble ShakeMaps 00:07:53.040 --> 00:07:56.960 for the plus or minus 1 or 2 sigma shaking intensity levels. 00:07:56.960 --> 00:08:01.280 So there’s quite a bit of variability, but just to focus on California, 00:08:01.280 --> 00:08:06.560 at minus 1 sigma, we see MMI 6 or 7 in coastal northern California, 00:08:06.560 --> 00:08:12.560 MMI 3 in the Bay Area. For the plus 1 sigma, we see MMI 8 or 9 00:08:12.560 --> 00:08:18.586 around coastal northern California and MMI 4 or 5 in the Bay Area. 00:08:19.520 --> 00:08:23.200 So how does our median ensemble ShakeMap compare to the previous 00:08:23.200 --> 00:08:26.960 Cascadia ShakeMap that was based exclusively on empirical 00:08:26.960 --> 00:08:30.160 ground motion models? So these maps show the difference 00:08:30.160 --> 00:08:34.400 in MMI, PGA, and PGV. So red means our ensemble 00:08:34.400 --> 00:08:37.920 ShakeMaps are higher than the previous GMM-based ShakeMap. 00:08:37.920 --> 00:08:41.096 And blue means our ensemble ShakeMaps are lower. 00:08:41.120 --> 00:08:46.000 And these plots show the GMMs that are used to develop the legacy Cascadia 00:08:46.000 --> 00:08:51.280 ShakeMap in orange, the GMMs used in the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Maps 00:08:51.280 --> 00:08:56.216 in blue, and the gray dots are data from our ensemble ShakeMap. 00:08:56.240 --> 00:09:00.080 So, for the purpose of this talk, I’ll just speak about California. 00:09:00.080 --> 00:09:05.760 So, in general, we see higher MMI, PGA, and PGV in northern coastal 00:09:05.760 --> 00:09:09.840 California with our new ensemble ShakeMaps and slightly lower shaking 00:09:09.840 --> 00:09:15.016 intensity as we move closer to the Bay Area, so further south. 00:09:15.040 --> 00:09:18.560 These higher ground motions along the coast, which occur throughout 00:09:18.560 --> 00:09:22.640 the margin, are due to two things. So one is the high-stress drop 00:09:22.640 --> 00:09:26.320 sub-events in our rupture model that place the high-frequency ground 00:09:26.320 --> 00:09:28.720 motions in distinct patches near the coastline. 00:09:28.720 --> 00:09:32.136 So that contributes to this increase around the coast. 00:09:32.160 --> 00:09:36.480 But also the coastal ground motions are also being influenced by our 00:09:36.480 --> 00:09:41.680 consideration of multiple M9 Cascadia earthquake scenarios, 30% of which had 00:09:41.680 --> 00:09:46.320 a down-dip rupture limit that is deeper than that used for the legacy ShakeMap. 00:09:46.320 --> 00:09:49.840 And this was following the weighting of the national maps. 00:09:49.840 --> 00:09:54.376 The lower shaking intensities as you move further south in California, 00:09:54.400 --> 00:09:57.840 we think that’s because the GMMs are based on the closest distance 00:09:57.840 --> 00:10:01.200 to the fault. So they might be underestimating ground motions 00:10:01.200 --> 00:10:04.640 towards the middle of the fault where sites are likely to see incoming waves 00:10:04.640 --> 00:10:09.360 from a larger portion of the rupture. Conversely, the GMMs might be 00:10:09.360 --> 00:10:12.960 overestimating ground motions towards the end of the fault where sites are 00:10:12.960 --> 00:10:15.520 impacted by a smaller portion of the rupture. 00:10:15.520 --> 00:10:19.099 And our 3D simulations would have captured that. 00:10:19.680 --> 00:10:23.360 So I think there’s still a lot of open questions related to this work and to 00:10:23.360 --> 00:10:27.896 ground shaking in California from Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes. 00:10:27.920 --> 00:10:31.600 So one open question is, how does 3D wave propagation in the Central Valley 00:10:31.600 --> 00:10:35.120 impact ground shaking from Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes? 00:10:35.120 --> 00:10:38.640 So recall that the 3D earthquake simulations didn’t extend south 00:10:38.640 --> 00:10:40.400 of the Mendocino Triple Junction. 00:10:40.400 --> 00:10:45.576 So any local 3D wave propagation effects in California were not included. 00:10:45.600 --> 00:10:48.560 Another open question is, how do differences in near-surface 00:10:48.560 --> 00:10:51.920 geology along the Cascadia margin impact site effects? 00:10:51.920 --> 00:10:55.360 So here we used all the Pacific Northwest velocity profiles 00:10:55.360 --> 00:10:58.400 in aggregate. But in some work we’re doing now, we’re instead 00:10:58.400 --> 00:11:02.960 breaking those profiles up into geologic regions such as those profiles in the 00:11:02.960 --> 00:11:07.040 Seattle Basin, in the Puget Lowland, those on hard rock, and you can 00:11:07.040 --> 00:11:12.296 imagine that there might be along-strike differences in Vs profiles as well. 00:11:12.320 --> 00:11:15.040 Another important question is, what is the range of ground shaking 00:11:15.040 --> 00:11:18.400 from partial margin ruptures? So here I only talked about M9 00:11:18.400 --> 00:11:22.320 Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes, but this is a question that we’re about 00:11:22.320 --> 00:11:25.440 to start working on as part of a new NSF-funded project, 00:11:25.440 --> 00:11:29.600 which I’ll talk about in a moment. And then also, as part of that project, 00:11:29.600 --> 00:11:33.520 we’re going to be looking at, how does ground shaking, tsunami inundation, 00:11:33.520 --> 00:11:36.880 and ground failure from Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes 00:11:36.880 --> 00:11:41.600 interact in space and time? So, for my last slide, I just want to 00:11:41.600 --> 00:11:45.040 briefly mention this newly funded project by the National Science 00:11:45.040 --> 00:11:48.856 Foundation called the Cascadia Coastlines and Peoples Hub. 00:11:48.880 --> 00:11:53.600 So the CoPe Hub is a five-year, $19 million project to improve coastal 00:11:53.600 --> 00:11:57.920 resilience to hazards in the Pacific Northwest through targeted scientific 00:11:57.920 --> 00:12:01.440 advances and modeling, which are co-produced in collaboration with 00:12:01.440 --> 00:12:04.560 impacted coastal communities. And you can see all the range 00:12:04.560 --> 00:12:08.536 of institutions that are involved in this project down here. 00:12:08.560 --> 00:12:13.280 So a big part of this project includes modeling of tectonic geohazards, 00:12:13.280 --> 00:12:17.840 both regionally and with a specific focus on a few specific 00:12:17.840 --> 00:12:19.920 coastal communities that are shown in this map, 00:12:19.920 --> 00:12:24.376 so including Humboldt County in northern California. 00:12:24.400 --> 00:12:27.360 So some of the modeling that’s going to be coming out of this project 00:12:27.360 --> 00:12:31.600 includes coupled Cascadia subduction zone earthquake-tsunami simulations. 00:12:31.600 --> 00:12:33.840 These will be kinematic, but they will be using the same 00:12:33.840 --> 00:12:36.560 earthquake sources for both the earthquake and 00:12:36.560 --> 00:12:39.896 tsunami simulations, which we haven’t done previously. 00:12:39.920 --> 00:12:43.200 We’re also going to be looking at a wider range of magnitudes based on 00:12:43.200 --> 00:12:47.016 the logic trees that are in the National Seismic Hazard Maps. 00:12:47.040 --> 00:12:49.840 And other researchers will be looking at multi-hazard impact, 00:12:49.840 --> 00:12:53.280 so shaking and inundation on coastal infrastructure, as well as 00:12:53.280 --> 00:12:56.936 tsunami debris forecasting and vulnerability assessments. 00:12:56.960 --> 00:12:59.520 And so we look forward to sharing some of these results 00:12:59.520 --> 00:13:03.176 with you as they come out over the next few years. 00:13:03.200 --> 00:13:05.680 So that’s all I have. Thanks for your time.