WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US 00:00:03.760 --> 00:00:07.040 The work that I’m going to show you today is part of various collaborative 00:00:07.040 --> 00:00:09.520 efforts among multiple government agencies, 00:00:09.520 --> 00:00:14.376 academic and private institutions, and many colleagues across the USGS, 00:00:14.400 --> 00:00:18.619 coastal and marine, and earthquake hazards programs. 00:00:19.520 --> 00:00:23.520 Today I will briefly summarize published results of systematic 00:00:23.520 --> 00:00:28.000 margin-wide characterization of Cascadia morpho-tectonic variability 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:32.160 and hazard implications that have recently been published in Geosphere 00:00:32.160 --> 00:00:35.680 with my colleague Danny Brothers. And then I will present some 00:00:35.680 --> 00:00:40.960 preliminary work offshore northern California using multi-scale geophysics 00:00:40.960 --> 00:00:46.776 to image and characterize Late Pleistocene and Holocene deformation 00:00:46.800 --> 00:00:52.758 along both cross-shore faults in the shelf and along the deformation front. 00:00:54.400 --> 00:00:58.720 Cascadia lacks an instrumental record of large megathrust earthquakes, 00:00:58.720 --> 00:01:02.720 making estimates of past and future rupture parameters difficult. 00:01:02.720 --> 00:01:08.616 However, we can learn from other seismically active subduction zones 00:01:08.640 --> 00:01:12.080 where studies suggest that spatial variations in frictional properties 00:01:12.080 --> 00:01:16.080 of the megathrust are linked to tectonic and morphological evolution 00:01:16.080 --> 00:01:19.896 of the upper plate and rupture behavior along strike. 00:01:19.920 --> 00:01:23.920 We were particularly inspired by the work in Sumatra where they noted that 00:01:23.920 --> 00:01:28.480 along-strike changes in prism geometry and vergence coincide with the rupture 00:01:28.480 --> 00:01:33.457 boundaries of the 2004 and 2005 megathrust earthquakes. 00:01:34.320 --> 00:01:38.560 We took a similar approach in Cascadia, focusing on the outer wedge, located 00:01:38.560 --> 00:01:43.120 offshore between the deformation front and the outer arc high. 00:01:43.120 --> 00:01:45.760 The reason we focused here is because this is the portion of 00:01:45.760 --> 00:01:50.135 the marine floor where destructive tsunamis are generated. 00:01:50.160 --> 00:01:55.040 Statistical analysis of outer wedge width and steepness reveal four 00:01:55.040 --> 00:01:59.440 distinct regions along the Cascadia margin, denoted by the thick 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:02.696 dashed black lines in the map to the right. 00:02:02.720 --> 00:02:07.120 Each of these regions have unique patterns of outer wedge geometry, 00:02:07.120 --> 00:02:10.560 structural vergence, as denoted in the middle panel, 00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:15.976 and mean profile shape, as denoted in the far right panel. 00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:21.760 I want to highlight the distinct end members of this analysis here as 00:02:21.760 --> 00:02:26.960 Regions 2 offshore Washington, where we have a large area of landward 00:02:26.960 --> 00:02:33.816 vergence, denoted in the red, as well as an area of extension at the shelf break. 00:02:33.840 --> 00:02:38.000 And also Region 4 offshore southern Oregon and northern California, 00:02:38.000 --> 00:02:39.840 where we have numerous cross-shore faults 00:02:39.840 --> 00:02:44.260 and a very steep and narrow outer wedge. 00:02:47.040 --> 00:02:51.600 According to critical tapered theory, variations in the geometry and 00:02:51.600 --> 00:02:54.000 shape of the wedge reflect changes in the strength 00:02:54.000 --> 00:02:57.256 of the wedge and the strength of the décollement. 00:02:57.280 --> 00:03:00.400 Since we can’t get at the strength of the décollement with a megathrust 00:03:00.400 --> 00:03:04.880 [inaudible] using existing data, we decided to map out first-order 00:03:04.880 --> 00:03:09.336 material strength boundaries within the wedge in the form of backstops, 00:03:09.360 --> 00:03:12.000 denoted on the right in the map with the 00:03:12.000 --> 00:03:15.395 bright green lines and the bright red line. 00:03:16.640 --> 00:03:20.536 The arrows indicate the dip direction of those boundaries. 00:03:20.560 --> 00:03:24.320 Notice that each morpho-tectonic region has a unique backstop 00:03:24.320 --> 00:03:30.696 configuration in terms of distance from the trench, lithology, and geometry. 00:03:30.720 --> 00:03:36.160 These backstop boundaries are often associated with megasplay faults on 00:03:36.160 --> 00:03:43.560 other margins, such as that activated in the 1964 Alaska megathrust earthquake. 00:03:46.400 --> 00:03:51.680 We postulate in this manuscript that the morpho-tectonic variability that we see 00:03:51.680 --> 00:03:56.000 in Cascadia reflects both geometric and rheological heterogeneity 00:03:56.000 --> 00:03:59.920 within the megathrust system that may control megathrust 00:03:59.920 --> 00:04:04.776 behavior by modulating pore pressure and effective stress. 00:04:04.800 --> 00:04:09.360 The backstop characterization here provides first-order estimation of 00:04:09.360 --> 00:04:14.000 strength contrasts within the wedge and highlights potential megasplay 00:04:14.000 --> 00:04:17.920 fault structures that we know can amplify tsunami waves 00:04:17.920 --> 00:04:21.030 and decrease travel time to the coast. 00:04:22.480 --> 00:04:26.640 In addition, this along-strike variability suggests that the earthquake and 00:04:26.640 --> 00:04:30.720 tsunami source characteristics likely vary along the margin and need to 00:04:30.720 --> 00:04:35.440 be assessed on a regional basis. For example, if you look at our end 00:04:35.440 --> 00:04:40.160 members again, perhaps offshore Washington we might expect a scenario 00:04:40.160 --> 00:04:44.080 similar to Tohoku, where you have extension in the upper plate and then 00:04:44.080 --> 00:04:48.000 slip to the trench further out in the prism. While offshore northern 00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:52.160 California, we might expect a scenario similar to that in Kaikoura, where we 00:04:52.160 --> 00:04:57.049 have complex rupture of upper plate and the megathrust. 00:04:59.200 --> 00:05:02.640 This margin-wide characterization provides the framework for more 00:05:02.640 --> 00:05:07.440 detailed work offshore northern California that I will talk about now, 00:05:07.440 --> 00:05:13.520 focusing on preliminary results from geophysical imaging to characterize 00:05:13.520 --> 00:05:18.060 Late Pleistocene and Holocene deformation. 00:05:20.160 --> 00:05:24.240 So here is a 3D perspective view of southern Cascadia looking north 00:05:24.240 --> 00:05:27.360 from the Mendocino Triple Junction. The bathymetry is shown 00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:31.760 in a rainbow of colors. Along this part of the margin, we have complex 00:05:31.760 --> 00:05:36.560 tectonic interaction involving east-west compression along the deformation 00:05:36.560 --> 00:05:41.120 front, north-south compression related to the northward-migrating triple 00:05:41.120 --> 00:05:46.560 junction, and northwest-southeast- directed transpression associated with 00:05:46.560 --> 00:05:50.480 a rotating forearc interacting with the northern extent of 00:05:50.480 --> 00:05:54.636 transform motion along the San Andreas Fault system. 00:05:56.240 --> 00:05:59.680 As a reminder, this is Region 4, one of the end members in our morpho- 00:05:59.680 --> 00:06:06.240 tectonic analysis, that is characterized by very a steep and narrow outer wedge. 00:06:06.240 --> 00:06:10.160 This outer wedge is separated from the inner wedge by the outer arc highs 00:06:10.160 --> 00:06:15.360 denoted with the white line. The backstops, denoted in black, 00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:19.280 and the outer arc high within the wedge bend eastward as they approach the 00:06:19.280 --> 00:06:25.083 Mendocino Triple Junction and come onshore in the Humboldt area. 00:06:25.840 --> 00:06:29.520 In order to better characterize the Late Pleistocene/Holocene deformation 00:06:29.520 --> 00:06:34.080 in this region, we have collected new high-resolution seismic reflection data 00:06:34.080 --> 00:06:39.576 shown in the black lines, sediment cores shown in the blue circles, 00:06:39.600 --> 00:06:43.520 and we’ve installed two seafloor GPS-A stations straddling 00:06:43.520 --> 00:06:47.280 the deformation front offshore Crescent City, 00:06:47.280 --> 00:06:51.760 shown by the orange circles. Today I will highlight preliminary 00:06:51.760 --> 00:06:55.320 work along both the shelf and the deformation front. 00:06:57.520 --> 00:07:02.000 So here is a map view perspective of that same area that we saw 00:07:02.000 --> 00:07:05.120 in the last slide. This is showing a preliminary map 00:07:05.120 --> 00:07:09.016 of Quaternary faults and folds, denoted in black. 00:07:09.040 --> 00:07:14.800 The mapping is based on integration of new high-resolution multi-channel 00:07:14.800 --> 00:07:19.280 sparker and CHIRP imaging, combined with legacy crustal-scale 00:07:19.280 --> 00:07:25.440 data and a new 30-meter bathymetric DEM as a base map. 00:07:25.440 --> 00:07:30.456 It is now published and publicly available on ScienceBase. 00:07:30.480 --> 00:07:33.360 On the next slide, I will focus in on the 00:07:33.360 --> 00:07:39.034 cross-shore faults along the shelf in the area of the black box. 00:07:41.360 --> 00:07:44.400 Here I’m showing a Google Earth image in the background looking 00:07:44.400 --> 00:07:49.263 to the west and offshore where our sparker seismic data has beautifully 00:07:49.287 --> 00:07:53.440 captured Neogene and younger strata to sub-seafloor depths of greater than 00:07:53.440 --> 00:07:57.840 500 meters that are locally folded and faulted along a series of 00:07:57.840 --> 00:08:02.880 cross-shore fault zones. I’ve highlighted two sub-seafloor horizons here. 00:08:02.880 --> 00:08:07.760 The blue marking the 500,000-year-old Hookton nonconformity and the 00:08:07.760 --> 00:08:11.600 orange marking the transgressive surface that records erosion and 00:08:11.600 --> 00:08:14.560 sea level rise following the last glacial maximum 00:08:14.560 --> 00:08:17.975 that occurred approximately 21,000 years ago. 00:08:18.720 --> 00:08:22.880 We used straddle geometry on CHIRP profiles to identify and 00:08:22.880 --> 00:08:26.800 map the regional transgressive surface using a strain marker 00:08:26.800 --> 00:08:31.323 for characterizing for offshore fault deformation. 00:08:32.240 --> 00:08:37.656 The stars here denote structures that are offset and/or deformed 00:08:37.680 --> 00:08:41.280 this transgressive surface. And I know that surface is 00:08:41.280 --> 00:08:46.776 difficult to see here in this view, so we’ll zoom in here. 00:08:46.800 --> 00:08:50.240 Here I’m zooming in on the transgressive surface of erosion on that 00:08:50.240 --> 00:08:57.736 same profile and showing the modern seafloor in black for context. 00:08:57.760 --> 00:09:02.800 We see two modes of deformation here. One, long-wavelength features that 00:09:02.800 --> 00:09:08.640 likely reflect active folding. And punctuated vertical offset ranging 00:09:08.640 --> 00:09:13.336 from 5 to 10 meters coincident with fault traces of the Table Bluff, 00:09:13.360 --> 00:09:17.360 Mad River, Bald Mountain/Big Lagoon, and Lost Man Fault zones 00:09:17.360 --> 00:09:21.336 imaged in MCS and CHIRP seismic data. 00:09:21.360 --> 00:09:25.520 Now, the transgressive surface ages at depths between 50 and 100 meters 00:09:25.520 --> 00:09:30.480 below sea level along this seismic profile are estimated to be between 00:09:30.480 --> 00:09:34.400 11,000 and 15,000 years old, based on sea level curves, 00:09:34.400 --> 00:09:38.400 which result in a maximum vertical deformation rate along these – 00:09:38.400 --> 00:09:44.280 on these structures between 0.3 and 0.9 millimeters per year. 00:09:45.360 --> 00:09:49.280 It should be noted that these rates are less than those estimated on land 00:09:49.280 --> 00:09:53.816 and potentially reflect a change from compressional to transpressional 00:09:53.840 --> 00:09:58.240 tectonics across the shoreline as these faults either die off 00:09:58.240 --> 00:10:02.240 and/or bend to the north along the shelf break. 00:10:04.640 --> 00:10:09.600 Now I’m going to take a closer look at deformation in the outer wedge along 00:10:09.600 --> 00:10:14.960 the deformation front in the area of the black box. 00:10:18.160 --> 00:10:22.480 Here I am showing a sparker profile that crosses the deformation front 00:10:22.480 --> 00:10:25.896 along the red line denoted in the map on the left. 00:10:25.920 --> 00:10:29.440 It crosses the deformation front, the dynamic backstop boundary, 00:10:29.440 --> 00:10:33.360 and the outer arc high. Thinning of the most recent sediment 00:10:33.360 --> 00:10:37.600 package onto the anticlines, denoted by the red arrow, 00:10:37.600 --> 00:10:42.080 suggest active uplift along these structures and the underlying thrust 00:10:42.080 --> 00:10:47.372 faults, including the most seaward thrust fault along the deformation front. 00:10:47.372 --> 00:10:52.954 In the next slide, I will zoom into this portion of the line to take a better look. 00:10:54.480 --> 00:10:57.680 So here, again, we’re looking at our sparker seismic data 00:10:57.680 --> 00:11:00.800 at the deformation front. You see the flat-line strata 00:11:00.800 --> 00:11:05.360 above the incoming oceanic plate on the left and the onset of 00:11:05.360 --> 00:11:08.456 deformation along the interpreted faults in black. 00:11:08.480 --> 00:11:11.920 The thinning of the most recent sediment package onto this first 00:11:11.920 --> 00:11:18.856 anticline suggests activity along the underlying thrust fault. 00:11:18.880 --> 00:11:22.960 Now, we ask, could this represent geologic evidence potentially 00:11:22.960 --> 00:11:27.520 of trench-breaching rupture? That would depend on whether the 00:11:27.520 --> 00:11:34.216 deformation we see was the result of aseismic creep or coseismic movement. 00:11:34.240 --> 00:11:37.760 Wouldn’t it be nice to take a closer look at this region in much more 00:11:37.760 --> 00:11:43.040 detail and get a better look at the style of deformation? 00:11:43.040 --> 00:11:47.120 Well, thanks to our colleagues at MBARI, we were able to take 00:11:47.120 --> 00:11:51.600 a much closer look at this part of the deformation front at 1 meter – 00:11:51.600 --> 00:11:54.009 using 1-meter resolution AUV bathymetry 00:11:54.009 --> 00:11:57.240 and CHIRP sub-bottom imaging. 00:11:59.600 --> 00:12:03.200 So here is a map view of that part of the deformation front 00:12:03.200 --> 00:12:07.217 in our 30-meter bathymetric compilation. 00:12:09.520 --> 00:12:11.840 Now, in case you can’t see it, the deformation front 00:12:11.840 --> 00:12:14.938 is marked by the blue arrow. 00:12:16.000 --> 00:12:19.840 Here is the same view with 1-meter AUV bathymetry. 00:12:19.840 --> 00:12:22.560 You can now clearly see the deformation front. 00:12:22.560 --> 00:12:28.560 You may also see the beautiful landslide head scarps and runout 00:12:28.560 --> 00:12:33.481 along the deformation front – the giant hill discussed earlier. 00:12:34.720 --> 00:12:37.606 We talk about their significance. 00:12:39.120 --> 00:12:44.640 But I am more interested in linear features – these spark-like 00:12:44.640 --> 00:12:48.665 lineations denoted by the red arrows. 00:12:50.000 --> 00:12:53.280 Here I’m showing a preliminary geologic interpretation based on 00:12:53.280 --> 00:12:57.040 the AUV imagery and associated CHIRP sub-bottom imagery. 00:12:57.040 --> 00:13:00.800 The white line in the map shows the location of the 00:13:00.800 --> 00:13:04.800 CHIRP profile shown below. What we see here is that those 00:13:04.800 --> 00:13:09.440 lineaments in the bathymetry reflect scarps that formed by 00:13:09.440 --> 00:13:12.080 both compressional and extensional structures 00:13:12.080 --> 00:13:14.136 imaged in that CHIRP imagery. 00:13:14.160 --> 00:13:19.176 And, since I know you can’t really see anything at this scale, if I zoom in, 00:13:19.200 --> 00:13:22.960 you can clearly see vertical deformation along thrust faults 00:13:22.960 --> 00:13:27.040 within the first anticline and normal faults in the second anticline. 00:13:27.040 --> 00:13:30.720 And the apparent constant throw suggests single-event 00:13:30.720 --> 00:13:38.047 offset of between 2 to 4 meters occurred in the final anticline. 00:13:39.520 --> 00:13:42.880 So now, zooming back out, with the sparker data to 00:13:42.880 --> 00:13:48.160 provide context, we suggest that the combination of thinning 00:13:48.160 --> 00:13:53.360 of recent strata onto the anticline and brittle faulting within the anticline 00:13:53.360 --> 00:13:59.655 suggest coseismic slip occurred along the underlying thrust fault, 00:13:59.680 --> 00:14:05.855 supporting the suggestion that slip to the trench has occurred in this region. 00:14:06.480 --> 00:14:09.920 We look forward to combining the detailed geologic observations 00:14:09.920 --> 00:14:14.880 in the previous slide with GPS-A seafloor measurements in the coming 00:14:14.880 --> 00:14:20.320 years in the same location to get a better, more comprehensive picture 00:14:20.320 --> 00:14:23.760 of shallow fault behavior in southern Cascadia, which is inferred 00:14:23.760 --> 00:14:27.280 to be locked based on the latest modeling by Lindsey et al. 00:14:27.280 --> 00:14:30.456 using onshore GPS data [inaudible]. 00:14:30.480 --> 00:14:37.460 So stay tuned for more observations and more results coming soon. Thank you.