WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US 00:00:02.000 --> 00:00:04.800 Hi, everyone. I’m Maggie Ortiz-Millan, senior program 00:00:04.800 --> 00:00:07.816 manager at the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. 00:00:07.840 --> 00:00:10.131 I manage our Learning from Earthquakes program, 00:00:10.160 --> 00:00:13.040 and I’m the lead staff for response to earthquakes. 00:00:13.040 --> 00:00:15.760 I’ll be talking about how EERI responds to earthquakes 00:00:15.760 --> 00:00:19.416 in general and in California specifically. 00:00:19.440 --> 00:00:22.320 I want to start by saying a few words about EERI 00:00:22.320 --> 00:00:24.776 for those who may not be familiar. 00:00:24.800 --> 00:00:27.760 The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is the leading 00:00:27.760 --> 00:00:31.680 nonprofit membership organization that connects those dedicated to 00:00:31.680 --> 00:00:35.280 reducing earthquake risk. Our multidisciplinary members 00:00:35.280 --> 00:00:40.560 include engineers, geoscientists, social scientists, architects, planners, 00:00:40.560 --> 00:00:43.440 emergency managers, academics, students, 00:00:43.440 --> 00:00:46.296 and many other like-minded professionals. 00:00:46.320 --> 00:00:50.296 EERI is managed by a small staff based in Oakland, California. 00:00:50.320 --> 00:00:53.520 If you’re interested in learning more about EERI or would like to become 00:00:53.520 --> 00:00:59.336 a member, you can visit EERI.org for more information. 00:00:59.360 --> 00:01:01.440 EERI responds to earthquakes through our 00:01:01.440 --> 00:01:04.536 Learning from Earthquakes program, or LFE. 00:01:04.560 --> 00:01:08.080 Through LFE, EERI has been deploying reconnaissance teams to 00:01:08.080 --> 00:01:14.080 study earthquake impacts since 1948. EERI leverages our multidisciplinary 00:01:14.080 --> 00:01:17.360 international membership to document the impacts of earthquakes around 00:01:17.360 --> 00:01:22.480 the world and to achieve the program mission of accelerating and increasing 00:01:22.480 --> 00:01:26.160 learning from earthquake-induced disasters that affect the natural, 00:01:26.160 --> 00:01:29.976 built, social, and political environments worldwide. 00:01:30.000 --> 00:01:34.688 EERI has responded to over 300 earthquakes around the world. 00:01:36.240 --> 00:01:38.880 In addition to team-based reconnaissance studies, 00:01:38.880 --> 00:01:41.600 for U.S. earthquakes, EERI also has specific 00:01:41.600 --> 00:01:46.136 responsibilities as part of the NEHRP post-earthquake coordination plan. 00:01:46.160 --> 00:01:50.960 Under the current USGS Circular 1242, EERI has the following roles in 00:01:50.960 --> 00:01:55.440 U.S. earthquake technical response. Along with federal and state partners, 00:01:55.440 --> 00:01:58.400 to determine if the earthquake is significant and warrants 00:01:58.400 --> 00:02:01.656 the implementation of all or part of the plan. 00:02:01.680 --> 00:02:06.056 To compile and link to earthquake information from the earthquake. 00:02:06.080 --> 00:02:09.576 To compile and link to engineering information from the earthquake. 00:02:09.600 --> 00:02:12.480 To work with federal and state agencies to organize a field 00:02:12.480 --> 00:02:15.600 technical clearinghouse. And, along with USGS, 00:02:15.600 --> 00:02:20.209 to publish an event summary report within three months of the event. 00:02:21.200 --> 00:02:23.440 In states with their own clearinghouse plan, 00:02:23.440 --> 00:02:27.336 EERI may have additional roles for earthquakes in that state. 00:02:27.360 --> 00:02:30.400 As Cindy described, in California, the California Earthquake 00:02:30.400 --> 00:02:33.360 Clearinghouse is responsible for managing a technical clearinghouse 00:02:33.360 --> 00:02:37.120 following an earthquake. EERI serves as vice chair of the 00:02:37.120 --> 00:02:40.640 California Earthquake Clearinghouse, and in that role, we support the 00:02:40.640 --> 00:02:44.536 clearinghouse activation in California in the following ways. 00:02:44.560 --> 00:02:47.976 By establishing a virtual clearinghouse website. 00:02:48.000 --> 00:02:51.096 By staffing a physical clearinghouse location. 00:02:51.120 --> 00:02:55.336 By connecting and coordinating the engineering response and investigators. 00:02:55.360 --> 00:02:58.456 By hosting nightly briefings and coordination calls. 00:02:58.480 --> 00:03:01.200 By sharing engineering observations and data with 00:03:01.200 --> 00:03:05.176 data coordination efforts led by the California Geological Survey. 00:03:05.200 --> 00:03:09.896 And by maintaining the California Earthquake Clearinghouse website. 00:03:09.920 --> 00:03:12.240 In addition to supporting a California Earthquake 00:03:12.240 --> 00:03:15.280 Clearinghouse activation, EERI may also deploy 00:03:15.280 --> 00:03:20.336 a reconnaissance team to investigate specific impacts of an earthquake. 00:03:22.320 --> 00:03:25.520 I want to end with an example of EERI’s most recent response to 00:03:25.520 --> 00:03:30.216 an earthquake in California – the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. 00:03:30.240 --> 00:03:34.000 EERI’s response to this earthquake was mainly in support of the California 00:03:34.000 --> 00:03:37.760 Earthquake Clearinghouse activation. In support of the clearinghouse, 00:03:37.760 --> 00:03:40.960 EERI established the virtual Earthquake Clearinghouse website 00:03:40.960 --> 00:03:45.204 for the sequence to collect and share preliminary observations. 00:03:45.228 --> 00:03:48.000 Several EERI staff traveled to Ridgecrest to staff 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:51.496 the physical clearinghouse location along with CGS. 00:03:51.520 --> 00:03:54.400 The physical location was open for one week with more than 00:03:54.400 --> 00:03:57.896 60 people checking into the clearinghouse. 00:03:57.920 --> 00:04:01.600 EERI hosted regular evening briefing calls to share preliminary 00:04:01.600 --> 00:04:04.560 field observations. Briefings were held daily 00:04:04.560 --> 00:04:08.160 while the physical location was open and continued less frequently 00:04:08.160 --> 00:04:11.896 for several weeks after the physical location was closed. 00:04:11.920 --> 00:04:18.136 Over 120 people participated in the 10 briefings, either in person or remotely. 00:04:18.160 --> 00:04:22.720 EERI also supported data coordination efforts led by CGS and the USGS 00:04:22.720 --> 00:04:28.320 by collecting and sharing data and observations from engineering teams. 00:04:28.320 --> 00:04:31.920 In addition to the clearinghouse response, EERI also coordinated 00:04:31.920 --> 00:04:36.640 several fallout activities to support the dissemination of observations 00:04:36.640 --> 00:04:39.256 and findings to the broader community. 00:04:39.280 --> 00:04:43.440 EERI hosted a reconnaissance briefing webinar one month after the earthquake 00:04:43.440 --> 00:04:47.120 to share preliminary findings. We also published an earthquake 00:04:47.120 --> 00:04:49.600 reconnaissance report which compiled summaries of the 00:04:49.600 --> 00:04:53.016 multidisciplinary observations from the earthquake. 00:04:53.040 --> 00:04:55.440 And finally, eight months after the sequence began, 00:04:55.440 --> 00:04:58.240 EERI hosted special sessions on the earthquake sequence 00:04:58.240 --> 00:05:02.376 as part of the 2020 National Earthquake Conference. 00:05:02.400 --> 00:05:05.600 The Ridgecrest earthquake sequence virtual Earthquake Clearinghouse 00:05:05.600 --> 00:05:09.520 website contains links to all products from these activities and will serve 00:05:09.520 --> 00:05:14.616 as a long-time archive of this – long-term archive of this information. 00:05:14.640 --> 00:05:17.360 The Ridgecrest clearinghouse activation was similar to the 00:05:17.360 --> 00:05:21.416 clearinghouse activation for the 2014 South Napa earthquake. 00:05:21.440 --> 00:05:24.880 EERI’s response to a future earthquake in northern California would likely 00:05:24.880 --> 00:05:29.113 be similar to the Ridgecrest and South Napa earthquake activations. 00:05:30.160 --> 00:05:33.040 Thank you for your attention. If you’re interested in learning more 00:05:33.040 --> 00:05:37.200 about EERI or our LFE program or the California Earthquake Clearinghouse, 00:05:37.200 --> 00:05:40.240 you can visit the links on this slide. I’m looking forward to the panel 00:05:40.240 --> 00:05:43.600 discussion and your questions. Thank you.